Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Dec 18, Update From Lindsey Lou

Lindsey Lou  here, Mom typing.  Today in school I worked on a "special" project for Christmas. It is half way done.  I went to therapy at 1. I did an obstacle course and played the wii.  I really want my heart please! I am really excited for my Dad to come back tomorrow.  I got to Skype my dad today. I am really, really excited for Christmas.  Are you excited for Christmas?  Chloe is doing good, her Dad is here right now talking to my Mom at 10:15.           Love Lindsey  Lou Bingham


  1. Lindsey you are such a beautiful and brave girl. Although we have never met my family thinks and prays for you daily. Your mom and dad are so blessed to have a little girl as brave and strong as you.

  2. So true how brave & wonderful you are Princess. I think I understand how hard it is for you to wait for your heart. You work hard at being healthy & ready for it. Please keep up the spirit, we are all praying for you as our way to help. Wish could do more. You just name it! Very happy to learn lil miss Chlloe is doing so well! Good luck on your 'special' project for Christmas :) Yes, one week from today baby Jesus will have His birthday, it is exiting. Hoping all of you have a very Merry Christmas, all together in love. Yay Daddy coming back & you'll be able to hug him again :) God bless you sweetheart & the rest of your family. You are so lucky to have them!! We had a big surprise here in Eugene, Oregon...SNOW!!! My sister said they didn't get any in Joseph, but we did. So funny:) Loves,hugs & <3 :) s Prayers always. <3 to <3

  3. So true how brave & wonderful you are Princess. I think I understand how hard it is for you to wait for your heart. You work hard at being healthy & ready for it. Please keep up the spirit, we are all praying for you as our way to help. Wish could do more. You just name it! Very happy to learn lil miss Chlloe is doing so well! Good luck on your 'special' project for Christmas :) Yes, one week from today baby Jesus will have His birthday, it is exiting. Hoping all of you have a very Merry Christmas, all together in love. Yay Daddy coming back & you'll be able to hug him again :) God bless you sweetheart & the rest of your family. You are so lucky to have them!! We had a big surprise here in Eugene, Oregon...SNOW!!! My sister said they didn't get any in Joseph, but we did. So funny:) Loves,hugs & <3 :) s Prayers always. <3 to <3

  4. Hi Lindsey Lou - I can't wait to hear about your special project at school. Your classmates are working on a couple of special projects as well. We are kind of making a mess in our classroom, but it's fun. We miss you very much and hope that you get your heart very soon. Much love - Mrs. Smith

  5. Hi Lindsey. Christmas projects can be so fun! I'm not done with my project yet so thanks for reminding me that it is time to get it done. So now you have to be patient as well as brave and strong and healthy and cheerful... that's a lot to ask, isn't it? But you are doing such a good job that it is a wonderful example for the rest of us. Love and prayers headed your way, Judy and Phil.

  6. Lindsey - it sounds like your school is very fun. Keep up your great attitude. We hope you get your heart soon, too :O)

  7. Lindsey Lou, we had such a wonderful time visiting you! I hope you get your heart soon, too! You are so brave, and much stronger that most of the grownups I know. We can't wait to see you again soon. Dallon went to school today, and he is excited to tell everyone about our visit. We miss you already, Lacey & Dallon

  8. Lindsey Lou! We Love You! Keep up the hard work! We are so proud of you and your attitude during this hard trial! You inspire us more than you will ever know! Praying for you and your family always! Love Uncle Ryan, Aunt Michelle and girls!

  9. To the bravest Princess at LPCH 3 WEST, you are amazing and super courageous, and the Heavenly Father is preparing all for that special day that you receive your heart. We will all be just as excited and thankful for that special day. Hope you had a chance to work on your special project today. The kiddos at PVS sure have been busy working on their projects. We are getting excited for Christmas and the kiddos are super excited about having some free time away from school. Have you been able to watch any good Christmas movies? Logan's favorite part of Christmas season is all the good Christmas movies. Thinking and praying for you little one. Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo

  10. Gee whiz, pretty neat that you get blab on the blog,
    lol! How fun :)
    Do think North Powder got any snow? We are getting crummy old wind here, yuck! I always wonder what will be missing in the daylight!
    Tomorrow starts our school's Christmas break, yeah! Logan has basketball practice during their break so she might not get to stay with us, pooh! Maybe Rig will hang out with us. I hope they can sometime :)
    You really are a brave little girl! One day (hopefully soon!) you'll be getting your new heart so until then keep being brave and strong and happy! I'm sure it's not always easy but I know you can do it :) because you are Lindsa-riffic!
    God bless you and your family and we'll keep sending prayers your way! M.

  11. Lindsey Lou,
    You are so smart and so brave! I wake up each morning and check the blog and facebook hoping that today will be the day that tells me your heart has arrived. I can only imagine how hard it must be for you to wait. I am so proud of your strength--you are AMAZING! Keep your chin up, pretty girl. Good things are coming your way!
    All our love!
