Friday, December 14, 2012

Dec 14, Dallon and Fun Friday

Today was definitely "Fun Friday."  Lindsey started out with her favorite nurse Shannon. During school they had to switch Shannon out for Susanna. Lindsey was really upset, but we got over it and was really excited to have Susanna. She is definitely becoming a favorite as well.  After school, Lindsey had her surprise visitor arrive. Her buddy Dallon from home came with his mom Lacey. Lindsey was very surprised to see him, and very excited.  They arrived just in time to help us dip chocolates.  It was great, we ate lunch, listened to Christmas music and dipped chocolates.

We got done just in time to head to physical therapy and work on the piñata.  We put our 2nd layer of newspaper on and will add a 3rd layer Tuesday.  We want it extra strong to survive lots of hits especially from Hunter.  We wrapped up our session of PT with Dallon, Gage and Lindsey playing Just Dance on the wii. They were really fun to watch.  On our way back from therapy we went into the playroom and played until it closed.  We closed the evening off with yummy McDonalds and watching the original Toy Story.  VERY enjoyable day.

Nothing really to report in rounds.  Still working on possibility of going to Sobrato room without a nurse, which is just at the end of the hall.  Big plans for tomorrow! Megan and Sierra have a basketball game in the morning. Then we are going to show our friend Dina how to make snowflakes, decorate a gingerbread house, and take a walk to the Stanford gift shop.  Here's to hoping we have a good nurse!

Just a special "thank you" to everyone, even people we don't know, for your prayers and thoughtfulness on our behalf. We appreciate ALL that people have and are doing for our family. We feel so very loved and blessed. Thank you!


  1. Hello Jason and Stacy,
    I work at the transplant center at UNC Hospital and came across your story and blog while doing some research. I'm on the heart transplant team as a quality leader (and also a Children's Pastor). My heart was very touched by your precious family and what you guys are going through. I want you to know that I am praying for you and your beautiful kids. Hold fast to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and He will carry you all through this. He's the great Healer! Randy Watkins

  2. Fun Friday sounded like it was truly a FUN DAY, and that makes me so happy knowing that Lindsey had a great day. :) I know when dad is gone she struggles, so that it is great to hear her day was enjoyable. Is the pinata a special shape??? Hope today is just as enjoyable. Good luck Sierra and Megan on basketball today. Mr. Flanagan is gearing the girls up for their basketball season by kicking off with practices starting on Monday and Logan is very excited. Hoping she will power through with little pain from healing from that broken pelvis (Jody F. sure has done a great job with her at P.T.!). I bet Jason will be excited to get back to sunny Cali as it has been very chilly around here....brrrrrr....I'm thinking I could use some sunny Cali weather, too!! Thinking about each of you and praying for more blessings to bless your family. Loves, hugs, and prayers xoxoxoxo

  3. It was so great having Jason in our ward today... his beard is getting WILD. We miss you all so much! I'm still in Primary and you should know that EVERY prayer that is said by any student or teacher includes Lindsey Lou and her family. We got the beautiful Lindsey Lou book that the Kern's wrote... all I can say is WOW! I love it! Well... does Lindsey get to travel to Sobroto without a nurse? She is such a go-getter that they have to keep changing the rules (and the wheels) to keep up with her. Take care. Love Phil and Judy
