Thursday, December 13, 2012

Dec 13, Day 177- Dressing Changes

We received some great news today.  Dr. Meada said that it was okay to go to only weekly dressing changes. So, Lindsey did not have to have her dressing change today. That really made her day.  We also found out today, Lindsey's PSA came back at zero. PSA stands for patient specific antibodies. This was the number that went from really high, meaning Lindsey could only accept 20% of the hearts offered, to zero meaning there were no restrictions.  For some reason, last month it showed she had a certain one that would give some restrictions. Today, her number is back to zero. This means we are back to no restrictions. VERY good for us!

Lindsey was able to go to the playroom after school for a little bit. We were also able to meet together in the Sobrato room for dinner again.  It was great for everyone, I could really get used to that.  After Lindsey's walk tonight, she wanted me to walk her through the transplant process. From the moment they come to tell us she has a heart ( that is her favorite part), to the moment she wakes up off the ventilator.  I asked her what scared her the most, and she said, "Well, they're taking my heart completely out of my body!" I couldn't agree more. I think that would frighten me too. But, lets be honest, I would be petrified if it was me. She is so brave!

Tomorrow is fun Friday in PT.  We are dipping chocolates and working on our piñata for Christmas Eve. It will be messy fun!


  1. Yay for are so brave and courageous!! The last couple of days sure have been good ones, huh?! It sure feels like things are starting to line up for the special day....and I agree with you about the most exciting and most nerve-racking parts, but how glorious and wonderful the process is...simply incredible. Just so you know Logan giggled and giggled like crazy over some of those silly jokes...good luck and hope you enjoy them as much as she did (really not sure where she had all that laughter bundled up at). Hope your fun Friday is a blast! Look forward to hearing all about it. Love you and miss you each. Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo

  2. Hmm, hopefully Lindsay's wanting to know about the transplant process is intuitive to things happening soon. She truly is amazing, as are you as her parents, and your whole family. You are changing peoples hearts and turning people toward God. Such a good missionary that little Lindsay!

  3. Stacy, everyday is something new for you. I pray things stay this good for Lindsey until she gets her new HEART.. Your kids seem to really doing good in school, I wish we could help you in some way. We pray every minute of every day for a heart for Lindsey..
    Hope you have a good week with your Mother.. Love ya, Jay and Bonnie

  4. May be she will have a Christmas miracle. NovaLee asked santa for a heart for Lindsey last week so lets hope because thats all she wanted. It would be a great gift for all. Happy Holidays.
    The Shoemakers

  5. Logan had a blast and giggle-fest reading us silly jokes last nite so I told her she needs to send some to you, Lindsay. Hope you like them :) She was silly!
    I pray every day that soon you willl have your special day. I think it's great that you want to know all about it, you are VERY brave! Glad your other grandma gets to be with you guys while daddy is home for a bit. I'm sure it will be nice for all of you!
    God bless you and lots of prayers for you all!M.

  6. Wow, 0 is a great number. I just know the new heart will be here soon. And I understand her feelings of fear and joy at the same time. Bless you all. Love Kay
