Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Dec 12, Daddy gone & No More Amioderone

Stacy here.
Lindsey had a great day today, despite her dad leaving.  We saw her off to school, then I took Jason to the airport and picked up my Mom. Lindsey was very excited at lunch, because the hospital was having a holiday party. Similar to the Halloween trick-or-treating, but not NEARLY as big.  They set up booths on the 3rd floor and the kids went from booth to booth. They had face painting, decorating gingerbread men, hot chocolate table (Lindsey's favorite), making snow scenes with stickers, jingle bell necklace making, pictures with Santa and a few other stations. Lindsey's teacher let her get out of school early so she could attend the party. She was VERY excited. Megan and Sierra came toward the end and they all got their arms painted. Very cute.

This afternoon Dr. Hollander came in to tell us that they were taking Lindsey off of Amioderone.  Amioderone is the medication they put her on for all the funny heart rhythms she was having, mostly v-tach.  They are going to do a trial run without it and see if she really needs it.  I am all about taking meds away, especially if she doesn't need them.  She has had a very stable heart rhythm for awhile.

Tonight for the first time in a while, we had dinner together in the Sobrato room.  The nurses made it happen and we were very grateful. It was nice to sit around and hear about each others days. Lately, the nurses have just been too busy to allow her to come to eat with us.  She enjoyed it, and it REALLY helped her mood tonight.  She was a lot happier (funny how that works). I already miss Jason, but am so excited to have my Mom here.

 Dad leaving.

 The holiday hospital Party

 The finished product.


  1. I stumbled upon this site that has a live webcam of Santa's reindeer. My kids are really enjoying it, so I thought I'd pass it along:

    Santa comes out and feeds the reindeer at specific times.

    Denette Dabling

  2. Hey Lindsey Lou. Haven't talked in a while and I was a little down today so I was looking up some funny jokes

    Hope you find some funny ones. I sure did
    Love logan Nedrow
    Miss you all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
