Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Dec 11, Band Concert & The return of Chloe 'Bear'

Another busy day. Lindsey is doing fine, her cannula is still bothering her. Tonight they were adjusting the ace bandage and noticed more blood seeping through the gauze and packing. Not a great thing. Hopefully we are not doing another dressing change tonight, but might be.

This evening Sierra and Megan had their first band concert. Little different from the PV concerts we are used to.  Throngs of people.  There were 2 separate concerts. At 7:00 there were 6th and 7th bands and 7th jazz band (which Sierra played in and did very well), then at 8:00 was another wave of 6th and 7 bands, plus the 8th grade band. Filled to gym twice. Fortunate for us, Sierra played at 7 and Megan played at 8, isn't that just 'jim dandy'!  By the time Sierra concert was over, little miss Princess was very emotional and wondering where we were. She just hates it when we are all gone to other kid's activities. She still really wants to go.  It's an awkward moment around Lindsey's bed talking about the concerts when she wasn't able to be there.

After lunch today, Chloe made her triumphant return to 3 West. Most of the IV's are gone, no vent, still on a little oxygen, chest tubes are gone, and doing great. John and I were talking, we are guessing in about a week she will be released to the RMH. We will have to see.  So far, Lindsey is really excited to see Chloe and is ready for her turn at it.

Leaving for Oregon tomorrow at 11:00. No one is excited about it, but we all know, including Linds, that I need to do this.

Our family is gearing up to do the 12 days of Christmas for someone in the hospital. We are all very excited. Lindsey will get to deliver the present most days but will have to be pretty sneaky.  Someone is doing the 12 days of Christmas to us, and boy are the kids excited every time a package is delivered.  Thank you who ever you are.  Be careful, we have spy's out watching for you!

Talked to Dr Rosenthal about allowing Lindsey to go to the Sobrato Room without a nurse. I made the argument how much that would allow Lindsey to be OUT of the this room and free up the nurses when they have 2 patients at the same time.  He is going to think about it.  

 Chloe 'Bear' back to 3 West.  Her Dad, John shaved his chin hair.

 Sierra in the Jazz Band
 Blue is the 7th Grade band, White is the 6th Grade band



  1. I think a video of the girls putting on a personal jazz concert for Lindsey might be in order?? Stacy - Best of luck and then some for the next week while Jason is gone. By the way - in the first picture of Sierra there is some clear evidence you are not in North Powder anymore.... the guy a couple rows up with the turbin.
    Love you guys.

  2. With Stacy being a Nurse you would think the Dr's would be comfortable with letting Lindsey leave her room without a Nurse...Hummm sounds funny..LOL

    Ok..with the Lindsey staying behind..with technology today there is things that can help with that. Facetime would be great if you have apple products. She could watch a live video. I am sure if you don't have apple products there are things out there that would do the same thing.

  3. Thinking of you. Love the pictures. So nice to see the baby doing so well. Can't be much longer before it's your turn. Love, Kay
