Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Dec 5, Part 3, Chloe update

10:15 pm
John and Shelly just came by. Chloe did go in at 9:00 am. At 1:00 pm the heart arrived (don't know where it came from). Surgery was done by 3:30 and she was moved to the CVICU by 4:00.  John said one of the cannulas is pretty infected. The doctors have told us that the healing of the cannula sites can be quite painful.  They have to pack and clean the holes daily, and the holes are scared over and take time to heal.

At 4:30 (before we knew any of the above), Megan and I went for walk looking for John and Shelly for the update. We walked through the CVICU and there she was, it Lindsey's old room. They were still working on her so we didn't stick around, but Chloe looked great. No Berlin included!  John and Shelly will or should sleep very well tonight. ( I know I would at the RMH)

At 8:45pm, Lindsey and I just went on out walk to the CVICU to see Chloe. Still on the vent, lots of IV's and NO BERLIN. Doing great!

 3 Mom's with kids on Berlins. Stacy, Shelly, and Joelle.
 Chloe 'Bear' before going in.
 Stacy, John, Joelle, Shelly
The 2 surgeon, Katz & Reinharts,  and Dr. Yeh.


  1. Thanks for the Chloe update. We are so excited for them! Awesome!(my goodness, she is tiny) I have a cute joke for you.

    No Shorts Allowed:

    Did you know that there are some BYU students who don't want jean shorts to be allowed on campus? They call themselves the anti-knee-high-levis.

    And one for the kiddos:

    Directions to the Celestial Kingdom:

    Q: What is the best way to get to the Celestial Kingdom?
    A: Turn right and then go straight

    Continued Love and prayers coming your way.Dale and Mike Olsen

  2. Thanks for the updates as always! We are all sure praying for Chloe, her family, and the donor family! So glad "Chloe's Day" went well! Hopefully it will be "Lindsey's Day" super soon!!

  3. Chloe is such a cutie!!

    We hope Chloe does well so that Lindsey will be excited for HER day!

  4. Praying that Chloe's recovery has been going remarkably well. Such a blessing. xoxoxoxo
