Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Dec 5, Part 2, NBC-Keith and the Gang

On top of the excitement of Chloe Bears transplant, today was the day Dateline came to see us. They wanted to do some follow up interviews and video Lindsey a little bit. They hadn't been here since September and were due for a visit.

At 10:00 Keith interviewed Stacy and I.  Just wanted to talk about the wait and how we are coping. We told him we are coping just fine, but it took about a hour to say it.  We talked about Chloe, school, sports, family time, work, the RMH and all the other stuff I blab about on the blog. Nothing you don't already know.

They also interviewed Sierra and Lindsey.  They both did great! Then at around 3:30 they taped our family decorating Lindsey's Christmas tree. I thought it went well, I guess.  Still don't know when it will air.


  1. What a great picture of your family. Prayers go to little baby and her family. You did a great job on the tree. Hope Santa gives you a new heart for Christmas. I know that would be a wonderful gift.

  2. I just noticed from these photos that Megan takes after her aunt Hilary!, At least in the last one of you all. So good to keep in touch and hear about your days. Prayers always, Karen Brock

  3. that family pic looks card worthy to me. :) We are praying for you all, and thank you so much for the updates. we faithfully read them. Love the Thompsons
