Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Dec 5, Part 1, Chloe's day

7:45 am
Exciting news. John and Shelly stopped me in the hall this morning. There cute little 2 year Chloe 'Bear' received an offer this morning. At midnight they received a call from Dr Yeh, and around 9:00 am today she will be going in to receive her heart transplant. I'm guessing it will be closer to 11:00.  Right now they are drawing blood and starting IV's. We are all very excited for them! This morning when I was leaving Lindsey's room, John told me and he gave me a big hug. Chloe has been on the Berlin since August 3. They have their parents here to help watch the boys.  They were worried we would feel bad or jealous. No Way! We are all very pumped for them. I will report through out the day with updates.  Our day is coming, but today, it's about Chloe and her parents.


  1. Definitely adding Chloe to our prayers today!!!

  2. Wonderful news for Chloe! She will be in my prayers. Can't wait for the day to read the title post "Lindsey's day"! -Mindy Doty-

  3. So VERY AWESOME for Chloe. we are praying for her sucess and are in prayer as well for the donor family. What an amazing gift in their time of grief. Love an Prayers Dale and Mike Olsen

  4. Today our prayers will include Chloe and pray her body will accept the new heart. Lindsey... we also pray that yours is coming soon. Love, Phil and Judy

  5. They are in our thoughts and prayers. From the Thompsons

  6. That is so wonderful! lots of prayers. Today was Chloe's Day and someday soon it will be Lindsey's Day!! Love Aunt G

  7. I sure hope things are going well for Cloe.

  8. Praying for Chloe and her family. May God bless her, her family, the donor family, and the gift of life. xoxoxoxo
