Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Dec 4, Same day, Different date.

Same day, different date.

Betsey, you are correct, Mary did volunteer at the RMH. They are  a very nice couple determined to help us. Amazing people out there.

Lindsey had another good day. She is getting tired of her sisters never being here. She sees very little of Sierra and Megan during the week due to school, homework, sports and band. We told her it is not 'fair' none of this is fair. She thought maybe we could trade out her younger bothers for her sisters.

Gage seems to be back to himself. Lets keep it that way.

Tomorrow will be interesting. Keith Morrison will be here to do some catch up interviews and video taping.  They are even going to interview Sierra, if she is up for it. I guarantee I will have something interesting to report.


  1. I can't wait to hear how the interviews go. It's always great to see you two and the kids in action on TV. Baker County sure misses you guys. It's a wet, cold and rainy day here. Tell the kiddos there is no snow here, either! Sending prayers your way.
    Katie Lamb

  2. It's pretty amazing that there are so many connections and it's a blessing that new support opportunities come about the way they do. Just another way He is answering prayers. And maybe Mary can offer up some sweet hiding places or unique places to explore, beyond the dungeon and dark cages.....hahaha! I'm sure Linsdey would love to use that info to spook her brothers! I can't say that I don't blame her wanting more time with her sisters....a girl can only take certain amount of brother time before they can get on those nerves!! :) looking forward to hearing how today went with more interviews....hoping for no 'boogies' hanging out, right!?! Lol love you all...Lindsey your special day is coming. Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo
