Monday, December 3, 2012

Dec 3, Day 167, Monday

Nice busy Monday. School, work, homework etc. Lindsey had a dressing change this morning. It looks about the same, maybe even a little worse. Like Dr Katz said, 'The body is just getting tired of having those cannulas in there.' He asked how long we have been waiting, and we told him since mid-June. He said it is usually 3-6 months, but it has been a slow time for transplants. We should be preparing for a longer wait.......Bring it on!

Met a very nice family that live in the area, Mary and Brian Heffernan. (no relation to the Oregon Heffernan's) They have ties to Burns and eastern Oregon. Brian's brother-in-law is Donald Overspike, the cattle buyer / broker, who Jake and other ranchers use. Small world isn't it.

We received a great message from Ruth Friebose. Now there is a strong woman!

As Tom Brock used to say (or maybe that was Uncle Allen), anyway, 'Remember to keep the main thing the main thing'.  There really is a lot of  'stuff' out there that just doesn't matter.

That will do for now.

And Josh, Megan was the one that 'buttered' the corn bread!

Till next time.

Her 'Beads of Courage' to be used on the Christmas tree.


  1. So right about the small world, Donald went to school with Betsy's brother!
    Glad that things aren't too hectic for you lately. You've had some busy times so it's good to have some slower times. With your active family and lifestyle now, the hectic is more often than not, lol!
    That was great to get to go to the USC game! We watched and I wondered about you guys.
    Keep up the great work you are all doing as a happy, loving and strong family! God Bless you all and many prayers sent for all your needs! M.

  2. Dear Stacy. Just saw your daughter on DNLW's newsletter. I worked with you at St E's for 3 years when I was the ER and ICU manager. I am now an organ donation coordinator for Pacific NW Transplant in Portland. I will pray for you all every day and hope to see some of God's blessing in the way of a heart coming to your daughter soon.

  3. Well hope you survived your busy Tuesday, too!!! I thought about what Dr. Katz spoke about from your post all day today and I just can't help, but think about how the great the need is to teach people about organ donations and about what opportunities are really out there. A mission perhaps!!! To make our world seeem small, by chance did Mary use to work and help out at the hospital years ago? And is Mary sisters to Donald's wife? I remember last early summer I met Donald's wife and she was in awe of your story, and then it was crazy when she spoke of her sister that use to (maybe still does) donate her time to help out at the hospital there. At that time she took all the information down and then was hoping to pass it along to her sister in hopes that at some point she would be able to contact you guys......if it's not the same relation....then there is a potential possibility for another opportunity in the near future,to meet another person, then!!! :) How crazy small the world can seem at times!! At any rate, did you get rained on today? We got soaked first thing early a.m.....beginning to feel like we are living at the coast!! :) Love and miss you each....loves, hugs, and many prayers to each of you--XOXOXOXO

  4. Lindsey Lou....I came across this tongue twister today and thought about you....perhaps you can try to get the doctors to test it out!!!
    If one doctor doctors another doctor does the doctor who doctors the doctor doctor the doctor the way the doctor he is doctoring doctors? Or does the doctor doctor the way the doctor who doctors doctors?
    And here's another cute holiday joke for you, too........
    Knock knock!

    Who's there?


    Snow who?

    Snow use - I've forgotten my name again!.

    Q) WHy does Father Christmas always goes down the chimney?
    A) Because it "soots" him!!!!

    Q) WHy does Santa have a garden?
    A) Because he likes to ho, ho, ho!!

    Q)WHat do Elves learn at Elf School? A) the elfabet!!!!!

    loves and good night, sleep tight sweet little Princess!
