Sunday, December 2, 2012

Dec 2, 'Webster'

Woke up to a really nice rain today. We enjoyed driving to church with the windshield wipers going full blast. Lindsey was feeling good so we were able to go to the full church, it was very enjoyable.

Gage is acting a lot better. Eating and playing more. Stacy and I are always watching him, watching his appetite, energy, and his overall well being. We report in with the doctors if don't like how he looks or acts.  Everyone seems to think this was all a virus and is passing through.  Lindsey never did catch it and lets keep it that way.

My parents used our home back in Oregon for their annual Christmas dinner with the family. Really nice to see pictures of our home being used.  Can't get over how BIG our home is. It is all in our perspective, isn't it. When you see pictures like that, it is easy to miss our home in Oregon. I know it is hard for Stacy to look at pictures from home.  I think that is how she deals with living in the tight quarters of the RMH and Lindsey's Room. In a way she blocks out our Oregon home and focuses on Palo Alto as our home. I seem to miss home more because I am still dealing with our Oregon life in my work and trips home, but her focus is on the 5 kids and all the activities they have going on.  We are not depressed or falling to pieces, it was just an observation.

Stacy got a huge kick out of Hilary's '7 Trillion nerves' comment. Already used it on Hunter.

Had a good visit with Janice Hayhurst. I sure admire her. She has had trials since I can remember and you would never know it. I hope our family can come out at the end of this as good as she has.

 Dinner in the Sobrato Room with Nichole as her nurse
 Then the pillow fight in the Sobrato Room. That is Gage's head taking the hit from Lindsey. We were letting her play, but we were sure watching the VAD closely! And getting more nervous as the pillow fight escalated.
 Lindsey and some of her favorite night nurses, Heather (above) Maribeth and Cristina below.

 On our nightly walks, Lindsey and I like to check in with 'Webster'.  He is a spider in the LPCH Atrium. Each night we look to see how his web is going and if he caught anything. If you look close you can see his web above Lindsey's right hand.

And this is what happens when you wander the SAME halls for 6 months. (coo-coo coo-coo)
 Pictures for Justin. The home and family we dearly love.
Even love seeing a mess!  Lyndi has one of the swords we bought at the San Jose circus a few months ago.


  1. Ha I love Bently and Grandpa's faces in the family picture!!! Thanks for letting us use your house, Grandma made sure the house was tidy and the silverware drawer was well organized when we left!! Wow Gage was the target for a energetic Lindsey! What a kid!! That is hilarious. Good to see Lindsey is sharing her bed with Megan, I bet she has a love hate relationship with that thing by now! We love you ALL so much! Here is to another healthy day!
    Goodnight Webster.....
    Aunt G

  2. Lindsey - that is some great extension and snapping of the wrists on your pillow swing! I love it. Sounds like it was a great weekend and that is wonderful.
    Our children have not seen the picture yet of your dinner, but I bet Michone and Ashley would give their uncle Jason a hard time about butter!

  3. WoW, Lindsey what energy you had to fire away a great blast to Gage with that pillow fight....did he survive?!?! Perhaps Lindsey was just wanting to make sure that virus was knocked out of Gage for good!! :) Lindsey you are such an amazing little girl, and I just can't get over how energetic you are. That just goes to show that girls really are tougher than boys, right?! HAHAHAHA, Sorry Bingham Boys, but those girls are quite the STARS! I always love seeing your pictures, but I have to agree seeing the pictures of your home missing the "Bingham 7" was a little sad to me, too. Every day I think about the challenges that you will face and how difficult it is on you guys to be living this journey, but the day will come that you will be able to look back and think "Yep, I was a true WARRIOR and accomplished all that!" I firmly believe your focused attention and concentration sets you aside and places you at the top of mountain as a leader of the pack when it comes to handling any challenging situation and makes you the most inspirational family ever. :) Just keep focused, keep doing, keep going strong, and always ask for help when you need it. Love and miss you all. Loves, hugs, and many prayers to each of you----xoxoxoxo

    A few holiday jokes....
    Q) What do you get if Santa goes down the chimney when a fire is lit? - A) Crisp Cringle.
    Q) What do you get if you eat Christmas decorations? - A) Tinselitus!!
    Q) Why are Christmas trees like bad knitters? - A) They both drop their needles!
