Saturday, December 1, 2012

Dec 1, Saturday, Lightning Basketball

11:10 pm.
Megan and Sierra had their first basketball game today. Did pretty well. They won and both got a little scoring in. Sierra did great for having the 12 hour IV yesterday. I took all the kids to the game and Stacy had some one-on-one time with Lindsey.

Afterwards I took the kids to ice cream, then Sierra went to the church to help with the Christmas 'Creche'.  For the last 25 years the church has set up these different nativities from around the world.  The exhibits are there for 5 days. I went back and picked up Stacy and we all went to it, (except Linds of course). There were some very beautiful and unique nativity scenes. Interesting how different nationalities view the nativity. There were displays from South America, Japan, Africa, all over Europe, Russia, it was all pretty neat.

While we were gone Linds spent the day holding babies at the nurses station.  Very nice of Denise to keep Lindsey busy.

This evening, we took Lindsey on a nice walk to the Stanford side. We went down part of the maintenance hallway in the basement where I had fun with Hunter and Gage. Lindsey thinks she wants to venture down further where they lock up little kids and old people who are not nice.

Kids and I were going through pictures from back home. We sure miss Oregon, but we are making it work here. Been planning my next trip home, wondering if I should bring any kids with me. We will have to see what is best.
 Hunter leads in the cheer.


  1. You are amazing! We love to read of your adventures every chance we get. You are doing a great job holding the line--Grandpa would be so proud! Love and Prayers from Korea.

  2. It is so great how the two of you can meet the needs of 5 kids. You are doing an amazing job.

  3. It sounds like you had a full end of week/weekend! That pavilion was crazy! You probably had them eating out of your hand a few minutes into your speech (only slightly distracted by the nasty chin hair). I am glad you guys are staying busy, and especially that Lindsey could go to that sweet ballet show! This next quote is for Stacy "There are over 7 trillion nerves in the human body and you have succeeded at getting on every single one of them." I am sure you haven't reached that point but if you do, think of that quote and it may make you laugh a little. It sure works for me! Love you guys.

  4. Jason, Stacy, and kids:

    I haven't had a chance to write in a while, but I wanted you to know that I think about you all the time and try to catch up with your lives at least once a week. Jason, I am so proud of you for giving that speech---I'll bet you helped the RMH gain LOTS of donations that day! You and your family continue to inspire thousands, if not millions!

    Stacy, you continue to be an amazing rock for your family. I will always be in awe of you for so many reasons, but the way you lead your family in the face of such challenges is especially awesome.

    You two are raising an amazing family under some very difficult conditions. I'm proud to call you neighbors and friends!

    Miss you all!


  5. Logan is so excited that you are both basketball, Sierra and Megan. How long does your basketball season last? Does Hunter get to be the manager?!!?!! Good luck with basketball and have fun girls! I bet Lindsey had a great day holding babies and playing and I bet the babies just loved Princess Lindsey! Keep us posted on when the next trip to Oregon might be...would love to help out in any way thats possible. Any big activities planned for the upcoming week besides basketball on Saturday and perhaps a blessed gift(which would be a delight, too!!!)???!!! Happy Sunday and sweet dreams to each of you. loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo
