Saturday, December 1, 2012

Dec 1, Part 2, Sierra IVIG & Lindsey's Adventure to the Stanford side

Can't forget Lindsey's biggest day in months. As I was off dinkin' around in San Jose, Lindsey was FINALLY approved to leave the LPCH and venture down the hall to the Stanford side. She had been there months ago, but now it's legal. What helped push the policy through was 'The Enchanted Toyshop Ballet' at the Stanford Atrium. Really to all of us, it was just down the hall, but for Lindsey, this was a BIG Deal, and it should be.  They also have eased up on some of the restrictions for kids on VAD (Mechanical Support devises). Once they are printed in final form and I understand them, I will share, but they pushed though enough to get her down there.  For that we are very thankful!

In the middle of all this, Sierra had her 4 week IVIG treatment.  Every 4 weeks she gets the 12 IV to help fight off the anti-body rejection. She spent the entire day doing homework, reading, sleeping, and watching TV.  Stacy was very busy going back and forth between Lindsey and Sierra's room.

To top the day off, the RMH gave away tickets to the Stanford / UCLA PAC 12 Championship game at Stanford. I was weak. This evening, Megan and I rode our bikes up the road to the stadium to watch the Cardinals beat the Bruins 27-24. It was so fun, but I owe Stacy big time! I love you dear.

To update other kids, Gage still doesn't feel that great, Amanda (the heart and liver transplant who had Thanksgiving with us) has gone home, Kylara has gone home, Shawn from Alaska had a 3a rejection last week, this week (after a ton of steroids) has a Zero and should be heading back to Alaska soon, and Chloe and the other Berlin kids are all hanging in there waiting.

Tomorrow, Sierra and Megan have their first Lightning basketball game, and Sierra has a Young Women's activity at the Church. Lots of rain today and in the forecast.

 Good seats

 The game. See the company we had sitting by us.
 After the game as they were storming the field


  1. Holy Cow! You guys know how to pack a whole bunch of activity into a short time! I Here I was feeling all proud because I vacuumed the living room, cleaned the bathroom, and got a pattern cut out for my weekend sewing! Guess I can't top the Bingham Clan for wild activity.
    Sounds like quite a blast you all had! Jason, I"m so proud of you for going through with that speech. I can't imagine being a presenter at something on that big of a scale. I had a knot in my stomach talking before the school board!
    So So So happy that Lindsey got out of her room AND got to have more than just a walk - a ballet! :-) That is so awesome!
    Please know that I start each morning with my coffee , your blog, followed by some prayer time. I lift you up to God each day and ask for your continued strength and healing...and for a precious donor for Lindsey!
    Love to you all!
    Mrs. Tannehill

  2. This is from Jacee, "Hi Lindsey, How are you doing? How was the ballet that you went to go see? When are you going to be coming home?"

    Well Little girl sounds like you had a big day. How exciting to get out for a big walk. Have you decorated for Christmas yet?

    love from the Thompsons

  3. Lindsey we are really excited that you can get back to all your adventures around Stanford. Lots of people asked for copies of The Tales of Lindsey Lou and they are coming this week! Maybe you can come up with some new adventures for Lindsey Lou and we can get started on the next book. What will Lindsey be next, a dinosaur hunter, a mountain climber, or even a rock star?

  4. Bingham clan! This post made me miss you guys just a little more today. I think how awesome that LIndsey you could go to the Ballet!!! I LOVE that ballet, did you enjoy it?? I don't know if I could get Justin to go to the ballet with me, if not someday your sisters, mom and me and my girls should go!!! Yay for the fun lightning game Meg and Sierra and Sierra I'm happy you are involved with the YW, we REALLY miss you here!!! Stacy you are wonderwoman you always have been you always will be!! I think that we should find you a wonderwoman costume for halloween next year, very fitting!!! Jason, I'm not sure who you were sitting by, was it Steve Young??? miss and love you all Em

  5. Sounds like the last couple of days have definitely been jammed packed full of lots of activities and just think all the fun memories that were made! I bet the last couple of days flew by and the walls of the room didn't feel so small and tight. Those are the adventures in life that are priceless. Loved seeing all the pictures...each one of them brought joy and happiness to my heart. So thankful for Lindsey to be able to go to the Stanford side to watch the ballet. By the twinkle in her I eye, it looks like she enjoyed every moment. Go Lightings and Sierra and Megan for a successful first game! Hope your Monday is blessed with energy and a positive day for all!! Loves, hugs, and many prayers to each of you xoxoxoxo
