Thursday, December 6, 2012

Dec 6, Thursday, Day 170, Long night.

Amazing how fast the mood can change around here. Wednesday night, Thursday morning was a very rough night. For some reason her cannula started hurting. It was hurting so bad she couldn't sleep. She was awake until 3:00 am. They had given her some pain meds, but they didn't seem to work till early in the morning. At 5:30am she was up again crying with pain.  They did a dressing change at 5:30 and we were all expecting to see a roaring infection the way she was acting, but it looks about the same, maybe a touch worse, but nothing alarming compared to other dressing changes. At 6:00am she went to sleep then had to be back up at 8:00 for a blood draw and 9:30 for meds. She used this opportunity to have a very lousy rest of the day. She went to part of school and PT, but has been dragging all day. She had a 3 hour nap and now, you can guess, at 10:55 pm Thursday, she is wide a wake. Her cannula's haven't hurt like they did but the night is young. Dr Yeh thinks the problem may have been as simple as the amount of dressing packed around the cannula's. It only hurt her when she was lying down.  When she sat up, the pain wasn't as bad.  So they adjusted the dressing and now seems to be doing better. The night will tell.

Since she had a lack of sleep, everything has been more frustrating, and a lot of tears. These are the days she really wants to get out of here (and I don't blame her).

For our evening walk, we went down and saw Chloe. Her vent is OUT and is starting to wake up a bit. She is doing great, may be up to 3 West by Sunday. We are all watching to see how Lindsey is reacting to Chloe's new heart. Right now she is excited. This gives her and all of us more hope. Maybe she will get out of here. The doctors and nurses have warned us though. As Chloe improves, moves up here to 3 West, then to the RMH, then eventually home, how will Lindsey react if she is still here on the Berlin. That could be pretty tough for an 8 year old to accept.  Again, time will tell.

Stacy and I are also feeling the cabin fever. Recently, there have been days they have had nursing shortages. When they have a shortage, then it is harder for nurses to take Lindsey on walks or to the Sobrato Room, or the the play room, meaning Lindsey stays in her room more. Over time, this really gets her down. Getting here out, on walks, to school, visit Webster, playrooms, whatever is the #1 thing we can do to lift her spirits.  When they have nursing shortages, then she can't do any of that. Stacy and I are starting to bring this problem up every time we see it coming.

Tonight, Lindsey and I were playing around with Mapquest. We were looking at maps from back home and she couldn't remember where we lived or some of the details from our home.  It will all come back, I know.  




  1. Hey Lindsey - Uncle Josh here. You are one tough customer. If I had something like that canulla hanging out of me I would be cranky everyday all day. You keep being Lindsey and being someone I can look up to! You are awesome!

  2. Wow Lindsay!! You are the toughest girl I know!! When I have a bad day, I think of you and I immediately smile! You make people smile!! Thanks for doing that for me!! Love you always,
    Aunt shelle!!
    PS, I still can't believe you got Uncle Ryan to wear nail polish!!!

  3. Lindsey we cut some of our firewood tonight actually seth did. I look funny swinging an ax because usually the ax swings me! I think you are doing real great! We love you and think you are a real beautiful girl-inside and out! Love uncle seth and aunt g

  4. Hi Lindsey and family! I am writing to you from Brooklyn, NY. I come on every couple days to check on you and your family. Know that you are in my prayers for a new heart for the new year!!!! You are all doing so amazingly well. Given what you are dealing with it is only natural to have a cranky/off/bad day.

    I had an idea to hopefully ease up some of the stir craziness. What about enlisting family and friends to make personalized videos that they can send to you or upload to a private YouTube channel - have them do a walking tour of a place in your neighborhood or tell silly jokes or record a Sunday service at your home church or ask Lindsey's classmates to record an assembly, etc. Then even though you can't leave the hospital the places and people you love can come to you in a way.
