Saturday, November 24, 2012

Nov 24, Saturday, Gingerbread Houses

We like the idea of the 12 days for different people/patients. Thanks. That will be good for our family to do that.

Mom and Dad and the crew left for Oregon around 11 o'clock. Nice to have them here, but Ayla was starting to get a bit homesick. Stacy stayed home with Gage today. He is still not feeling to spiffy (the British word of the day).  Sierra and Megan had Lightning Basketball practice, that is so good to have them going to that, we all love to get out and run a bit.

Liz Niccum came by with her kids and brought gingerbread house kits.  She is very nice and thoughtful.  The girls had fun putting them together and decorating them here in Lindsey's room.  The remaining frosting got a little out of control.

Shawn and Trista came by this evening.  Always fun to visit with them about what is going on in their lives. They are in the area until December 4 for his next biopsy.  Megan and Sierra made the effort to come back to the hospital to see them. Interesting watching my daughters grow up and interact with other kids.  Haven't seen much of Amanda, I guess she has a virus and has stayed in her room for a few days now.  We hate viruses.  There are to many rooms here on 3 West with signs on the doors warning about viruses, colds, flu, etc.  If Lindsey catches a virus (which she hasn't), she would be quarantined to her room and taken off the transplant list until it clears up.  So we hate viruses. Just something to worry about.

That's about it.  I'm going to finish watching Indiana Jones.

 Yeah, they got a bit wound up with the frosting.



  1. Here's a few holiday jokes for Lindsey.....

    Knock knock.....who's there?.... Doughnut.....Doughnut WHO? ..... Doughnot open until Christmas!!

    Q) Why is Rudolph so good at playing trivia?
    A)Because he NOSE so much (and it's very bright!!!!)!

    Q) Where does Santa put his suit after Christmas?A) In his CLAUS-et!

    Hope your Sunday is a blessful and joyful one. Might feel like a day after Halloween wih all that extra sugar from the Gingerbread decorating and frosting eating!!! That was a great idea Liz and a gret way to pass the day by in Lindsey's room. I'm sure it's hard to think of new activities that won't be too boring for Lindsey. :) Thinking of you all each and everyday and adding to our prayers that the viruses stay far far away. Loves, hugs, and prayers for each of you. xoxoxoxo P.S. Not sure if you tuned into the OSAA radio for the Baker Bulldog game, but we listened to the Bulldog game yesterday evening and boy was it an exciting one.....triple overtime....and finally scored for the was exciting and now they will play for the State Championship game next weekend. It's fun to see our local teams do so well!!

  2. I have been following your post and I just wanted to say how much I love those gingerbread houses and the pictures of the kids. I have a funny story about viruses. several years ago my dad was having a procedure done at Stanford (heart ablation)and my son and I drove there from La Grande to be with him. They were having a virus scare so kids under 16 were not allowed in the hospital. My son was 16 so he walked in with me without problems. One day he walked over to the mall for a few hours but was gone for 4-5 hours and had me worried. It ended up that they wouldn't let him back into the hospital so he had been walking around trying to figure out how to get in for 3 hours before I found him on a bench outside! I was a little mad at security! We are hoping that Lindsay doesn't get a virus and that that heart comes soon:-)

  3. I can hear the giggling and feel the chaos with those frosting photos! Your girls have some of the best laughs around and they seem infectious to everyone around. Hopefully that is the only infectious thing going on with your family! I am glad you had a nice Thanksgiving with family and friends. It is touching to hear about the other kids you are getting to know and what a difference you can make to them by just including them. Love the gingerbread houses-keep flirting with your cute wife, and tell Lindsey that she brightens everyone's day with her smile.

  4. Man those houses look tasty! Keep up the good days, Lindsey! A heart will come soon, so stay ready!
