Sunday, November 25, 2012

Nov 25, Peter Pan & Reflections/Thoughts

Lindsey had a melt down this evening, and earlier today Stacy had to give me a bit of a pep talk.  So if it seems like I am rambling or complaining, I am not, just getting it off my chest. More of the same ole' stuff on a different day. 

 Report on Lindsey. Same old walks, feeding tube, play room, games, take meds, but tonight it caught up with her. She was crying and wants to get out of here. She is tired of the monitors, Berlin pump, and pokes. What started it was Sierra and Megan went with Meghan Cleary from Berkley to a Peter Pan musical in San Jose. Meghan Cleary had a high school friend in the play and had a few tickets for Sierra and Megan.  The girls had a great time, but Lindsey wanted to go too. We tried to keep it from her, but she found out. She feels good enough to go, and just wants out of here.

So tonight Linds and I laid on her bed looking at the ceiling as if we were home laying on the trampoline looking at the milky way and big dipper. We talked about everything we could think of that bugged her and everything she misses. She still really wants to go home. 3 West is nice and the nurses are doing the best they can, but she wants out. She also understands the situation, and is glad to be as healthy as she is.

Stacy is still at the RMH with Gage.  She and Gage have not been over here since Friday night. We are just trying to keep as much distance between Gage and Lindsey as we can, just to be safe.  So I had the kids today at church and here at the hospital while Stacy and Gage were partying at the house.  We still watch Gage pretty close. He eats so little and looks pale most of the time. Sure hope the heart meds keep him out of acute heart failure. Time will tell.

Sierra continues to concern us.  She has been complaining of her tummy feeling and looking bloated. And she is right, it does look a bit more pudgy. When we were at her last checkup a few days ago we told them and they noticed her liver was a bit enlarged.  They didn't act overly concerned about it (around us), but it has been weighing on me.  For my own sanity, I need Bernstein or someone to explain what they think is going on.  In the past, these things have usually been med adjustments. I have also learned, if we tell them and they don't get too excited about it, then I'm not going to get excited about it.  It doesn't do me any good to get all worked up over something I cannot control.  Sometimes, when Stacy and I see things like this, I go into a bit of denial.  I don't want to talk about it, I just want it to go away.  I know that is wrong, but I do.  When we add this issue to Sierra's other challenges with school work, friends, and physical activity, she can occupy a good portion of my prayers.

Megan and Hunter are doing great. Megan and Sierra are turning into young ladies. I'm not sure I am prepared for that, but Stacy said I better get ready because it is happening. Just another way the RMH is pretty cozy.

Today in church, they talked about where we often put our focus in life; money, wealth, job, activities, sports, etc.  I cannot even comprehend a world where I would have the option, or luxury, of focusing on something other than my kids.  There is a faint memory of a day when we would get up, exercise, and go to work without worrying about any of the kids.  I know I am wrong, but I often get the feeling like this is never going to end.  I'll admit, sometimes it is hard to pray.  Feels like I am asking for the same old things. I still believe, and have a strong faith and hope, that God hears my sincere prayers. I also know patience is a virtue and that we are all getting stronger from this experience. Lindsey is tired of this, I am tired of this, but we also see a lot of other kids and families in the hospital we would NOT want to switch places with.  From that, we thank our Heavenly Father for the blessing and miracles already poured out for our family, and that is sincere.

This week I am going to start working out of an office here in Palo Alto. Despite my concerns above, our kids are now good enough where I can get out and work from a real live office. I know it will be good for my sanity. I have been able to work out of the RMH, but the cell phone and internet service is horrible. There is a guy in the church that is allowing me some temporary office space as needed. There are so may good people out there willing to help. Thank-you and good night.


  1. Jason, our hearts go out to you and sweet Lindsey this evening. While this continues to drag on and on, your faith and prayers are an inspiration. Our family continues to pray for all of you, your children as well as you and Stacy. It's so great to hear the good people of Palo Alto are taking such wonderful care of you all.

    Know that you are not alone. Take heart... "My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment... thy friends do stand by thee, and they shall hail thee again with warm hearts and friendly hands;" D&C 121:7,9

    Love you guys, Dan & Elizabeth S.

  2. Hold tight, jason. Your family is an inspiration to many people. We do pray for you all. The burdens are great, but it sounds as if the blessings are in abundance. your blog reminds the rest of us that our own problems are really minor in the big picture. Thank you for your honest feelings, hope you have a good week.

  3. What day yesterday must have been to add to overall concerns and frustrations. I can't even imagine living it everyday, but you all are and you have done it with such dignity. Here's a little quote that I thought I should share and hope that it will add some inspiration and hope back into your life.......

    Hope is the companion of power, and mother of success; for who so hopes strongly has within him the gift of miracles. Samuel Smiles

    That miracle will happen because of your faith and the fact that you believe and will not give up on either. Hang in there and give Lindsey a hug and kiss and remind her that her that her "Cheerleaders" are cheering for her each and everyday and especially cheering that the policy for her to roam further around the hospitals will happen a.s.a.p. and may that help to elevate her feeling trapped. I'm brainstorming like crazy to think of something super creative to help her with her frustrations......hope I brew up some great ideas!!! Stay focused, keep praying, loving your family, BELIEVING, He is listening. loves, hugs, and many sincere prayers xoxoxoxo

  4. p.s. sorry for all the typos on the post....swyping feature on my phone wasn't as accurate as it should have been!!! :)

  5. We had a great time seeing you all! We sure look up to you all as examples facing a difficult situation! One day at a time right! sometimes it's hour by hour. We loved playing with all the kids. You're kids are definitely blessed with the gift of "groove" Seth and I saw that when we did our dance off! Heavy frost here this morning. Love Aunt G

  6. Jason...I don't know how you and Stacy do it. Don't feel bad if you get discouraged every now and then. Just remember that we are pulling for your family.

    Our hearts continue to go out to you and your family is still in our prayers.

    Our kids continue to add Lindsey and Gage in our nightly prayers...Sounds like Sierra could use some too.

  7. I am so so sorry I triggered a meltdown. I wasn't thinking, of course Lindsey would be upset that she didn't get to come. I wish I had thought through not talking about it in front of her. I'm so bummed I added to her sadness and your stress. Please tell her that as soon as she can bust out of that joint I would be happy to take her to a musical too. Praying that is soon.
    Meghan Cleary

  8. Jason, Stacy and family, no one knows exactly what you and your awesome family are going through, but we have so much faith, hope and love for you. It's okay to feel discouraged once in awhile. Even the greatest prophets have felt that. We are behind you all the way, and so is our Savior. You are such a great example of everything good to all around you. Our prayers continue to petition the Lord for your strength, health, patience and the tender mercies and miracles that await you.

  9. Jason, Stacy and family, no one knows exactly what you and your awesome family are going through, but we have so much faith, hope and love for you. It's okay to feel discouraged once in awhile. Even the greatest prophets have felt that. We are behind you all the way, and so is our Savior. You are such a great example of everything good to all around you. Our prayers continue to petition the Lord for your strength, health, patience and the tender mercies and miracles that await you.

  10. Jason,
    While what we are going through is not the same, I have had the same feelings, denial, frustration, etc. I find myself grateful that we are not going through what others are. I am always a little surprised that the world around us is going on as if nothing is happening. I can't imagine going back to the same concerns that we had before the diagnosis. While I am thankful for the RMH, it is NOT home. I also can't imagine going through all this without the gospel. What you and Stacy and your family are going through is unique and nothing compares to it. Waiting is hard. I pray that you will receive the miracles that you need and the peace and comfort to wait until you do.

  11. I remember you quoting a nurse saying to not let the highs get to high nor the lows to low. Your blog fans are here to share both the highs and lows with you and your family. We continue to pray for the strength you and Stacy provide your family. Your children are so fortunate to have such amazing parents in their corner. God bless you all. Love, the Hamanns
