Friday, November 23, 2012

Nov 23, Black Friday

Dale and Leslie took the boys and Ayla to the park and out to play. Sierra, Megan, Keanna, Garrity, and Uncle Seth stayed here with Lindsey and played games and such. And Stacy and I went on date to do some shopping, eat at 'In-n-Out Burger', and watch the movie Breaking Dawn #2. I have learned that by watching movies my wife wants to see, it usually pays good dividends!  It was all very nice.

We didn't do the crazy Black Friday shopping stuff. We were all a bit intimidated by the California crowds and didn't want to be swept away.  Honestly, I have no idea what to shop for with our kids.  They have everything they need, and if we did get something, where in the world would we put it. This is going to be a Christmas to remember, so I just want to approach it correctly not just more 'stuff'.

Shawn Stockwell, our Alaska friends, were discharged today. Nobody seems to want to stay in the hospital with us (and that's a good thing).  However, it is making our efforts to do the 12 Days of Christmas for another patient a bit more challenging.

Saturday, Dad and Mom and the crew head back to Oregon.  Sure nice having them here.  They have all done a lot to lift Lindsey spirits.

Lindsey liked the Doctor related jokes.  Thanks for the comments.

Lindsey and a little triplet baby with heart issues. It was pretty cute.


  1. Having such a loving and supportive family is another reason to give thanks!! So glad you and Stacy got some couple time - I'm sure it helped you both recharge!!

    On your 12 day program...maybe a patient a day for the 12 days would work??

    Take care...hugs to all!

    Julie and kids...

  2. So glad your family was able to join you for a visit. I know that must help tons. What a beautiful picture, it says so much. I'm sure one reason you are all still waiting is because Heavenly Father needs you to help others. Love to all, Kay

  3. Yay, for a special date for just the two of you. I am sure that was much appreciated and needed!!! We skipped out on Black Friday shopping also and took in a movie date, too (must have been in the air)!! Maybe your 12 Days of Christmas can be for a new patient each day, or maybe for the families of the younger patients that have older siblings, or maybe for the doctors and nurses. At any rate I am sure it will be special and much appreciated by all. Very kind of you guys and Lindsey to be willing to always share. Hope your time with your family went well and I am sure you were sad to see them leave today. Praying that their travels will go smoothly. Thank you for sharing all the pictures, they are so sweet and I love be able to see the kiddos! Enjoy your Saturday. loves, hugs, and many sincere prayers xoxoxoxo
