Thursday, November 8, 2012

Nov 8, Day 142, Joe-Joe

10:00 pm.
Did the dressing change first thing this morning. Still looks about the same, but you can be the judge. They have started the IV antibiotics. It runs every 8 hours and will continue for the next 4 weeks.  Once the site starts to look better, they will go to an oral form.

Started raining a bit today.  Nice to see a change in the weather.  For the most part the weather is always the same.  We hear it is snowing back home.  We miss the Oregon weather.  Also we are really missing the state volleyball and football games. Go Badgers!

Just to keep things exciting, 3 kids here on 3 West have the para flu virus.  Chloe has the virus and has been suspended from the transplant list until it clears up (2 weeks minimum). uggg.  So ALL the kids on the unit including Lindsey are being tested for it. She is showing NO signs of it, but Infectious Control want to test all the kids.  If she has it the virus, she would have to be placed in isolation and suspended from the list until it is cleared up.  If it's all the same, I would rather her not have it.

So far her INR (blood thinning) has been okay, so no lovenox shots yet.

We read every one of the comments. Thank-you.  She did like the knock-knock jokes.

 This is Joe-Joe from next door.  He is a really cute 6 year old who likes to drop in for visits. He came by to drop off a movie he and his family had borrowed.  We are going to get more pictures of kids Lindsey is getting to know here on 3 West.

 Today's dressing change

What is really going on during the dressing change.


  1. Lindsey I think that is a really cute picture of you and your friend Joe-Joe. We are getting excited to see you at Thanksgiving. Seth has been busy gathering cows and riding pens. And yippee I am busy vacuuming the flies in the window seals! Love Aunt G

  2. Some More Silliness:
    Q. Why don't skeletons fight each other?
    A. They don't have the guts.

    Q. How do crazy people walk through the forest?
    A. They take the psycho path.

    Q. Why did the tomato turn red?
    A. It saw the salad dressing!

    Lindsay, no getting the flu, OK?

    Continued Prayers and Love, Dale and Mike Olsen

  3. Hey, awesome Bingham family, I hope that NONE of you get the flu!! It's snowing here in Utah, too. 'Sure do miss you and love you!!

  4. Brrr! We got snow yesterday and now the temp is to drop to about 15*! Just plain too cold too soon!
    Sunday is supposed to be nicer!
    Been busy so I haven't had time to check in on your family. Glad to get caught up :) happy not much going on for you at least now. One of these days the call will come for Lindsey's heart then you'll be hopping!
    Hope you have good weekend :) God bless you all, M. And prayers your way, too!

  5. Well we all like excitement, but the only excitement that we pray, hope, and wish for is for that special heart. Believing and knowing the Heavenly Father is watching over and will continue to Bless the beautiful Princess is always a blessing in itself. Praying for Chloe and the other kiddos that are fighting this flu fact praying for all children in the hospital, may they all fight through their battles and be triumphant! Lindsey Lou, may your infection clear up and may your irritations and pain subside, too. Still looks pretty painful. We are @ state vball (staying with the Smith's) and its been snowing off and on, winter is here! Girls played awesome today and we cheered extra loud for all of you! We'll keep you posted again during tomorrows game. Loves, hugs, and many prayers for each of you--xoxoxoxo
