Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Nov 7, Fighting with Gage and the feeding tube.

Haven't had any more of those crazy amnesia episodes.  Hopefully it was just low blood sugar and we can move on. We are all encouraging but not pushing more juices, milk, fruit, and food, rather than just water, which is what she prefers.

This morning Lindsey and Gage were fighting over something. Lindsey grabbed it and threw it on her bed out of Gage's reach. Gage threw a fit and jerked her feeding tube...... OUT! We didn't see it but you would have thought he jerked her Berlin out. Oh the wailing and gnashing of teeth! The way she was crying and Gage running away we were looking for something horrible. We all calmed down and she spent the day feeding tubeless.  Tonight we get the wonderful opportunity of replacing the tube, yee-ha.

They did a dressing change at noon today and frankly it looks worse.  But you can be the judge of it.  It is a good thing we have been taking pictures so we can compare from last time.  You can see the redness has increased. She has another dressing change in the morning and Katz (the surgeon) will be here to look at it. They checked her white blood cell count and that was all still normal.  I'm guessing they will start IV antibiotics again. Which will throw off her INR which means more lovenox shots, but that is just my guess.  None of us were expecting the cannulas to look worse. grrrr

Meghan Cleary came by today. She goes to CAL and has treatments here at Stanford. She spent the evening with Lindsey while Stacy and I ran kids around to church and school activities.  Very nice of her.

This last week Jake has been shipping calves back home.  They bought some cattle scales and used them for the first time.  It sure would have been fun to be there.

9:40 pm. Just finished putting the feeding tube in. NOT a fun experience.  Basically they grease up the tube and shove it in her nose while she drinks water to help it go down. Lots of tears, coughing and gagging.  Not many pleasant words for her younger brother Gage.

Lindsey and her latest Wacky 6 victim, Meghan Cleary.

 These are pictures from today, 11/7/12
 And this is a picture from last week, 10/31/12.


  1. Good luck with tonights procedure of reinstalling that feeding tube...I know that is on her least favorites list. Ouch on the infection, definitely has changed quite a bit in just a week....prayers for healing. I'm sure Linsdey enjoyed a new Wacky Six opponent, Meghan! Sleep tight Linsdey Lou! Loves, hugs, and many prayers-- xoxoxoxo

  2. There was a show on OPB that had skunks on it tonight. I'm sure you would have enjoyed it. The baby orphan skunks were the cutest. I wish you could have seen them. Sorry about your feeding tubes. Brothers can be a real pain. Glad you got your berlin fixed. Everyone is praying that you get your new heart soon. Hugs and kissed.

  3. Oh gosh, that feeding tube business sounds AWFUL. Such a trooper, Lindsey! good job.

    I had fun today and was glad to be able to help out. Drive home was a breeze. Thanks for having me!


  4. Ooooooo sounds like some kiddos may need a laugh or 2. try these.. Knock, knock.

    -Who's there?

    Cows say.

    -Cows say who?

    No silly, cows say moo!


    . Knock, knock.

    -Who's there?

    Owls say.

    -Owls say who?



    . Knock, knock.

    -Who's there?


    -Tank who?

    You're welcome!


    . Knock, knock.

    -Who's there?

    Little old lady.

    -Little old lady who?

    I didn't know you could yodel!
    Love and Prayers, Dale and Mike O
