Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Nov 6, Amnesia - bit of a scare.

Lindsey loved the comments back to her from her post. She will do that again sometime, but tonight she is tired and ready for bed.

Bit of a scare today.  She is doing great right now, let me repeat, she is doing great right now.  But during PT around 2:45 today she was taking a bathroom break. Halfway down the hall she had a bit of an amnesia spell. For a few seconds she couldn't remember where she was, what she was doing, or where her parents were. She did NOT pass out, or get weak.  She felt and continues to feel fine.

Denise, her nurse, brought her back to her room and they did a full check up on her and have found NOTHING wrong. Blood pressure fine, (90s over 50s) no clots in the VAD, blood chemistry okay, INR (blood thinning) okay. The doctors did a neurological exam, to see if her mental and motor skills were compromised and she seems okay. So for now, they have ruled out the big items, ie. blood clot to the brain, (stroke) and brain bleed.  They are leaning to possible low blood sugar, since she still doesn't eat anything (except the nightly feeds) and is quite active. She is asleep now and they are watching her stats and VAD closely.  They are going to follow up tomorrow with a few blood tests. Amazing how one 'little' thing can get you on edge.  Tomorrow we are going to encourage more juices and food. Just see how it goes.

We did go on a shorter walk tonight. We needed to get her out of this room. She still gets down if she feels good and doesn't get out of this room.

Her Berlin pump did get switched out this morning for a good one.  The wheel needed repair.  I told them all we need is some wrenchs and a small hydraulic jack, but since it is a life support system, they seem to think it needs to be fixed by a skilled professional. Go figure.

This weekend we have Jeff and Jenny Yeck coming for a visit. We are going to do something crazy and actually GO and do something with our friends. Like go to San Francisco, or Half Moon Bay, or Santa Cruz, or Alcatraz Island for the DAY.  We have never done that, but there are really good people here willing to help us pull this off.

Also next week I am going to make a trip home with Gage.  We will go home for 4 days and fly back on Friday, November 16.  Gage is excited about that!  We are looking for someone to stay here with Stacy and help with the kids while Stacy sleeps here with Lindsey. It would be the nights of Tuesday, November 13 through Thursday, November 15.  If anyone is interested, please drop us a line.

Tonight I made an attempt to explain politics and the election to the kids..... that hard to do!

Sandra, one of the physical therapists, made Lindsey her own ID badge with the little zipper clip. So this is her showing it off with Grace, her night nurse, and Denise her day nurse.  They were also showing off here matching 'stylish' glasses.

 And of course Gage getting in on the photo.


  1. I would love to be able to come and help out and meet your amazing family! I will add that to my prayers that someone will be able to step up and come and help out. I hope the juice drinking goes well today, don't need another "episode" like that! Have an amazing parent day and amen to all of those there who are helping you pull that off. You guys need a day like that, I think anyway. Your entire family is in my prayers daily...keep pushing, praying, and positive!
    Jessie (B's cousin)

  2. Well, we are thankful that the bit of the scare is over and will continue to pray for nothing like that to happen again. I can't imagine how long the afternoon and lastnight seemed to last with those worries and concerns....thankful for great medical staff and our Heavenly Father watching over her and protecting her. Lindsey we continue to pray daily for you to receive your special heart....you are one day closer. Jason can't imagine why they wouldn't just let you do a 'tire change' out, must be a pretty high tech wheel...lol! Happy to hear shes back on the move with a new machine again! Go have some family fun with your friends it will be good for all of you to take that time! Loves, hugs, and prayers xoxoxoxo

  3. p.s. Do we need to replace that BIG bag of M&M's so she could a little sugar rush that way? :) let me know...xoxoxoxo

  4. I really appreciate your sharing this experience. I am thankful for your example of faith in the face of this trial. I hope you thoroughly enjoy your day out. Santa Cruz, Half Moon Bay, and San Francisco are all great. Jennifer Waite

  5. I am so glad Debbie can come next week you help you out...I hope you and Stacy have a great weekend with your old mission companion...if we can help anytime let us know....still praying for Lindsey every minute of the day....
    Uncle Jay and Aunt Bonnie

  6. I am so glad Debbie can come next week you help you out...I hope you and Stacy have a great weekend with your old mission companion...if we can help anytime let us know....still praying for Lindsey every minute of the day....
    Uncle Jay and Aunt Bonnie

  7. So glad that Lindsey is doing well! Love the ID badge...super awesome! I am excited for you to spend the weekend with those crazy Yeck's!!! Guaranteed fun for all ;) Thank you, as always, for letting us all come along on your journey. Sending continued prayers to your family!--Jen Lamoreaux
