Monday, November 5, 2012

Nov 5, Monday, Lindsey here

At shool I read about skunk,s. The will on my berlin broke so I cant go on my big walks. That,s ok. My Dad and I played wacky six. Hunter and Gage was realy wound UP and noise during prayer.

Thank you for all your letters


                                                                LOVE LINDSEY LOU BINGHAM

 Good night every one.I love you.


  1. Dear Lindsey Lou- I feel you should have your new heart NOW! Apparently God has other plans right now. I am sorry to hear about your Berlin breaking so you can't go on a walk. Are you ready for a new card game? Have you played cribbage? That is one of my favorites. I have some dice games that are fun too. Like Farkle. I love that one. I can mail you some if you are interested. I miss you!, xoxox Mrs. smith

  2. Hi Lindsey, that is pretty cool you are learning about skunks. They are stinky but pretty cute. I saw some baby skunks with their momma one day walking along the side of the road, they looked so cute! I hope they get your wheel fixed soon so you can get back in your long walks. Hugs and smiles from Powder Valley middle school! Love, Mrs Hamann

  3. Love your comments Lindsey Lou. Sorry about your wheel. Not much slows you up! Were all praying for you to get your heart as soon as possible. I wish I could get you the nertz game I play online. It's so much fun. Wish I could be there and play games with you too. Sending prayers to you, your family, doctors, nurses and donor family.

  4. We love you, too, Lindsey. God bless and keep you, and create in you a new heart.


  5. Dear Lindsey it is so fun to have you write something on the blog. We all love you. You are an amazing girl. You are a good example of how to count our blessings when life is not perfect! Your heart experience is shared with many many people all over the world! You and your family are our examples of strong and enduring FAITH. I know that Heavenly Father is aware of you and that you need a new heart....keep believing, it will happen!
    Much love to you and your fabulous family!

  6. Lindsey, thank you for writing today! Once again, you inspire us! Have you ever wondered how many people pray for you everyday? And how many prayers are offered for you everyday? Do you know that probably hundreds of people read your blog everyday, because you represent hope. Uncle Lynn and I love you and continue to pray for you. We love you! Aunt Cindy

  7. Oh Lindsey!!! We are all wishing and praying along with you for your new heart to come. I know it's no fun for you to have this waiting time be so long. I do have to remind you, though, of all th good your are doing for Otha while you wait. Your doctors are learning new things from you and having to think about new rules for Berlin patients. People have bee inspired to write a book about you, to give and share in order to raise money for you, and so many strangers are pulling together in faith to offer prayers for your healing and safe keeping until your new heart is ready. My mom in La Grande, my sisters in Portland, Eugene and La Grande, my aunt in the Tri Cities - they have all come to know you through your blog, and are all praying for you. We are all inspired by you and your family, and all the ways the doctors and nurses are working and playing with you! You are a teacher, Lindsey and you are doing good in the world! God's plans for you are bigger than just a heart! Big hugs to you! XXXOOO Mrs. Tannehill

  8. Hey miss Lindsey, So did you beat your dad in your card game? I bet you did. ;) What have you learned about the skunks? All i know about them is that they stink and that they like to eat chickens. they ate all of mine last spring. I was trying to catch them with a live trap. so i put it in my chicken coop and i kept catching my cats. so one night i was going to put some more cat food in the trap to try and catch it and as i was walking into the coop i caught saw a black and white thing out of the corner of my eye. so i froze then backed out very slowly, ran and got colby and his gun. by this time it was getting dark so we had to get a flash light so colby could see to take care of that little booger. but we got it. and now i have my chickens still. but now we take care of any of them we see around. because we would rather have chickens and their eggs then a skunk.

    I vote that you get your heart soon. and pray for it everyday. Have you gotten your wheel fixed? I hope they do it soon so you can get back to those long walks. Where is your most favorite place to walk to? IF you want to write to the primary i would love to read them a letter from you and i bet they would love to hear from you. ask your mom or dad to help you email it to me. and maybe a picture or two of your favorite thing to do and go there in your castle!

    Love from the Thompsons

  9. Hi Lindsey Lou,
    We loved your letter, thank you for writing. We pray every day that your heart will come soon and you will be ready. So, your brothers aren't quiet all the time???? Really??? I bet they never had a patient that walked so far they wore out the wheels on the Berlin machine! You're the best!

    Give your family a big hug from Phil and Judy... we miss you all so much!

  10. Hi Lindsey,
    We are sending hugs to you & hope you get your heart very soon! We can't wait until you & your whole family can come home.

  11. Sweet Lindsey, how good to hear from you. You are such an inspiration. I'm sure that Heavenly Father is preparing your heart and I'm praying every morning that this will be the day. Don and Viki Turner have a skunk that lives under their deck and everynight it comes out and eats all the cats food. They can see it from their patio door as it gobbles up the cat food. Keep up the good work. Love, Kay

  12. Hi Lindsey!
    It was exciting to read your post. We are glad to hear that you're studying skunks. They are one of my favorite animals.
    Please know that here in Oregon, we think of you EVERY day and we are praying that you get your new heart very soon.
    Anne and Mike

  13. Sweet Lindsey - You are my hero. Stella and Olive think you're a hero, too! They talk about you lots and we pray for you every night. Love you sweet girl!

    - Shem, Carly, Stella & Olive
