Friday, November 9, 2012

Nov 9, Where's Waldo

Dressing change about the same, maybe a little improvement, but no real change. Will continue with daily changes for awhile.

Haven't received the final word on the para flu test. They anticipate it will be negative, but I just want to know that it is negative.

Dr Axelrod from the CVICU came by specifically to see Lindsey.  He was the doctor that took care of Gage the night Gage needed a pace maker. He is a really nice guy.  He has promised to show Lindsey his 'Where's Waldo' outfit.  We looked for him on Halloween, but never saw him, so he dressed up for her today.  It was very nice of him.  That is what makes this journey doable. When people go out of there way for the little things.

Way back at the first of this year before any of this excitement started, we planned a vacation with our good friends, the Yecks.   Well today they showed up and will spend the weekend with us.  Tonight, Michelle Hansen, stayed with the kids and Stacy and I and the Yecks went down University Avenue and ate at a gyro restaurant.  Thank you Michelle, we really appreciate what you do.

 Where's Waldo

 Cookies and swing at PT


  1. Yay for passing the test...THANK GOODNESS is right! Hope you two enjoyed some real adult time, which was much needed I'm sure. Enjoy your weekend with friends...go get out and do a few things with them, Linsdey is in GOOD hands.Love wheres waldo, I can't believe you couldn't find him in the sea of costumes Halloween...very fitting for the costume! We are thankful for all the special people there that are so caring and willing to you out in so many wonderful ways. Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo

  2. And even more silliness from the Olsens:

    Knock, knock
    Who’s there?
    Figs who?
    Figs the doorbell, it’s broken!

    Knock, knock
    Who’s there?
    Turnip who?
    Turnip the volume, Gage is so noisy I can’t hear the TV.

    Knock, knock
    Who’s there
    Ice cream
    Ice cream who?
    Ice cream if you don’t let me in !

  3. You are right about people going the extra mile with Lindsey's care :) such a wonderful group of caregivers! God bless! M.

  4. Hey cool guys! We are sure missing you but are glad to see such awesome pics of Lindsey-except the reddish wound pics-ugh! Abby has been playing YMCA basketball. The end scores are pretty rough but she is having fun. Chloe is trying to "make good choices" because Santa is watching. And Jackson is getting louder and faster. He is really cute! Nick and I have been laying tile at Mom and Dad's house. It is looking great. Tell Lindsey to keep those brothers in line and that she is as cute as her mom, especially with those glasses on! It will be good to see Jason and Gage next week!
