Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Nov 14, Fun Day With Debbie and Ava

Today was a fun day.  Debbie (Jason's cousin) and her daughter Ava made it here last night. They stayed at the RMH with the kids, which allowed me to be at the hospital with Lindsey.  Lindsey slept very well last night. She didn't wake up once. So...she was in a great mood this morning.

Debbie has been great, she got right into the swing of things this morning. Had the kids up and was making breakfast when I got there this morning. She put Hunter on the bus while I ran Sierra to jazz band practice. Lindsey settled right into having her and Ava here. This afternoon, Ava went with Lindsey to school. Kevin (Lindsey's teacher) said that they were giggling up a storm. They apparently got a boy laughing and talking, who has been there for a week and not said one word until today. Ava was  definitely invited to come back tomorrow. It has been great for Lindsey to have Ava here.

Lindsey's cannula sight is much improved and can go to being changed 3 x week.  She is excited about that!

Our friend Kevin was here for his biopsy today. He and his mom stopped by to give Lindsey a gift. It was good to see them.  Kevin looks really good. It is interesting to have been here long enough we are seeing people for their 2nd biopsies. It has really helped keep in touch with everyone and we look forward to the visits.

Jason had a long day at the office today. Gage had a fun day playing with his cousins and being the muddiest he has been in months! He is right where he wants to be for now.


  1. What a fantastic day for all. Its amazing what a couple cute girls can get accomplished in such little time! Sweet dreams to all...loves, hugs, and many prayers-- xoxoxoxo

  2. So fun! I love sweet Ava! She really has such a sweet, king heart! I'm so glad she and Lindsey are getting to spend some fun time together!!

  3. It is so nice that you have family that is able to come help out and have fun with.

    We just saw Megan's picture that she drew for the Friend magazine in this months issue about being grateful for what she has. Fun to see a familiar face in there.

  4. Awesome! If Ava is anything like her mama, I'll bet it was a party. We loved seeing Gage and I was amazed at Jason's goat. Wow!
