Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Nov 13, Jason and Gage are off to Oregon

Stacy here.
Jason and Gage left at 6:00 this morning to head home to Oregon. They were driving Kade and Stephanie Thomas's truck back to Oregon for them. It worked out well for Jason, as he needed to return for work. Gage went with him, since it was his turn to go home. I am not sure if I like the idea as I will miss my little buddy.  They made it home at about 8:30 this evening.  Jason said Gage was a delight to travel with. Thank-you Kade and Stephanie for giving them a ride home the rest of the way!

Nothing to report in rounds today.  They are increasing Lindsey's feeds a little at night, since she is eating less during the day. Her weight is going down a little and they want to prevent that.  The oral antibiotic will be continued probably until transplant, but we will see. Her INR is 3.4, which is PERFECT! Meaning no shots!  She was very grumpy and sad this morning that her Dad left. Once I told her, "this was going to be a long 4 days if she acted like this until her Daddy came back," She seemed to snap out of it. Her dressing change went very well and they may go to 3 times a week dressing changes. It was definitely less red and swollen. Lindsey and I were talking today and decided that we better get out a calendar and figure out how many "fun Friday's" we have until Christmas. We have a lot we need to do to get ready for Santa, especially to come to the hospital. She was mostly worried about getting the cookies made to put out Christmas Eve. She is excited for Christmas!

Sierra and Megan started basketball tonight. They are pretty rusty and pretty excited. At least for sure Megan is, Sierra is questionable.


  1. Oh, Christmas....I've been dreading even bringing the word up knowing that you'll be spending the winter wonderland time in Sunny Cali, but I know this is the best place for now!!! Looking ahead those "Fun Friday's" are going to fly by in all reality and putting out cookies for Santa will be right around the corner, but I am praying that that will be happening in the RMH and not at the hospital, because Lindsey will already have her perfect heart. This would be the best blessing and because we BELIEVE we are faithfully praying for this miracle to happen. I am so happy that the travels went well for Jason and Gage, and I am sure they are excited to be home enjoying the freezing cold temperatures and white snow. Hang in there Stacy for the next few days and I pray that this will be the quickest 4 days that Jason has been away from you. If we can help break up Lindsey's day by a phone call please let us know what time would work best and I know my kiddos would love a little chat time. Tell Sierra and Megan have fun and good luck with basketball season. Logan still isn't quite healed completely from her summer accident, so she is hoping that by January's basketball season she is ready to go!! Loves, hugs, and many sincere prayers for more positive blessings--xoxoxoxo

  2. Hi Lindsay Lou! Here are some knock, knock, jokes that you can actually use and have some fun with:

    This is one you can tell your Physical Therapist (I like this one because I am a PT. too)
    Knock, knock
    Who’s there?
    Kiwi who?
    Kiwi go to PT?

    Here is one you can tell your Daddy when you talk to him on the phone while he is away for a few days:
    Knock, knock
    Who’s there?
    Police who?
    Police (please) Daddy, come back really soon?

    Here is one you can tell your nurses if they come in to give you a shot:
    Knock, knock
    Who’s there?
    Water who?
    Water you going to do with that needle?

    Have a great day, Sweet Princess!
    Love, Mike and Dale Olsen

  3. Sound like things are going well. I'm sure the girls will quickly get back into hoops. Lindsey, Christmas cookies sound good to me too. I really like getting ready for Christmas. We're celebrating Christmas on the 22nd, because that's when all our family can get together, so I don't have much time. Sleep tight. Love, Kay
