Friday, November 16, 2012

Nov 15, Day 150, PT's - Minute to Win It

Jason here.
Gage and I left our home Friday a 3:30 am to catch a plane out of Boise back to San Jose. It is always a bitter sweet feeling each time I come back.  We have such a nice home, family, neighbors, community, school, work all there waiting for us and supporting us. Its hard to leave all that, but yet this is where my family is at, this is where my 8 year old is hooked to a life support system.  This is where I need and want to be. I have a little princess 8 feet from me and 4 other kids 3 blocks from here all sleeping well because there parents are here.  Stacy and I both have a gut feeling that the transplant will happen sometime in late December.  It's just a feeling, nothing else, we will have to see.

It was good to see family and friends back home. We get so wrapped up in our little world here, it is good to see life is still going on full steam ahead. I am still humbled each time we receive a letter of support for our little princess. There are so many good people out there.

Never did get to see my cousin Debbie Dorny.  She drove up from LA with her 7 year old to be here while I was gone.  Stacy said she was awesome and did a great job jumping into the groove. Thanks Debbie.

Lindsey is doing great. Her VAD site looks better? Who knows, but they are doing dressing changes 3 days a week.  She doesn't have another one until Monday.  They have upped her feeding to 140 ml per hour, up from 132 per hour. She is tolerating it well, I can't imagine being fed by a tube ALL night long. ugg.  But her appetite just isn't there.  She had a lot of fun in physical therapy today. It was 'Friday Fun Day'.  Sandra and Mandi sent her an invitation to Minute to Win It. She (and her parents) did a bunch of timed activities. She was screaming and having a good time.

Stacy is doing well. I don't know why she hasn't gone nuts, she and Lindsey have been here since May 21, but she is strong as can be. 

Jeff Yeck and I were talking last week when they were here. Besides laughing, texting pictures to our old college friends, and acting like ourselves, we did have a few serious conversations. We talked about how it must be like for the future donor family. What a horrible tragedy that will happen.  To suddenly loose their perfectly healthy 6-8 year old.  Then to have the conscience of mind to be able to donate life saving organs. When your really think about it, what a horrible experience the future donor family will be going through. Since then, I have been a bit more sincere and thoughtful in my prayers for the donor family.

Prayers have been answered, prayers will be answered, all in the Lords time.

 Let the games begin

Yes, that is six!

A VERY funny picture of Shannon cheering on Lindsey. We can't stop laughing at this one.  She is a high energy nurse that takes great care of Lindsey and Lindsey just loves her (among many other nurses)!

Very focused

  Had to get 5 feathers into the hoop with a plate.
Had to move the moth balls with her nose and Vaceline.
The gold metal stand
The Gold Metal
Of course the site. She is broke out from all the cleanings. ugg
Picture from back home.  Snow is gone now.
Kevin Murphy who received a transplant about 4 years ago. Here for a biopsy and checkup.

1 comment:

  1. I see my post didn't I am going for try number 2!!!!!Love, love, love the pictures of Minute to Win IT game. I especially like the one of Lindsey's nurse full of excitement! Logan would have loved to have them there to help participate with Lindsey (she loves those challenges!!!). Logan's favorite is the game that involves stacking cups into a pyramid shape and then collapsing the tower as fast as possible using only one hand....she knows she can always beat her fastest time! Hope basketball practice is going well. Will the girls be on the same team or different teams going different directions??? Have a great rest of the weekend. Love and miss each of you. loves, hugs, and many sincere prayers--xoxoxoxo
