Friday, October 19, 2012

Oct 19, The Smiths

First the big stuff, the infection. And the answer is no change. The redness has gone down a little bit, but still about the same. There is quite a bit of drainage going on.  Tomorrow (Saturday) Dr. Katz Maeda, will be there for the dressing change to review the infection.  She is still on the IV antibiotics and daily blood draws.  Everything else is about the same.

She was a bit off for the first half of the day.  You can mark your calendar, any night she does not have a parent sleeping with her, the next day she is tired and acts off.  It's because she doesn't sleep well.  She goes to bed late, then called me here in Oregon a little after 5 am, then called Stacy after that.   After a lunch time nap she was okay.  No school today for teacher training, but she went on walks, made cookies at PT, played Wacky 6 in the Sabroto room, and played Apples to Apples with the Smiths.

Really neat to have Sherwood, Kerri, Dylan, and Kelsey here to visit.  VERY nice of them to come down from Oregon and spend time with our Princess. Wish I could have been there.  

Hunter and I went in for a flu shot.  He was NOT excited about that! As you might understand, I did not have much sympathy for him. After my shot, Hunter was getting all worked up so we called Lindsey to have her help Hunter through his shot.  She was amazing.  She was upbeat, told Hunter to relax his arm, then count to 5 backwards.  We had her on speaker phone, and the nurse gave the shot when Hunter was on 3. It was perfect.  Hunter and Lindsey both get a big high 5 for that one.

I had a busy day at the office and went to the PV / Wallowa football game.  It was sure nice to see all our home town friends.  Nice rain today in Oregon.  Hunter spent the day with Aunt Emily, and the kids.  He had a ball.

Tomorrow is the 4 month anniversary of her on the list. Wow.

 Monster fingers eating her victims.


  1. So good to see you Jason! Can't wait for the family to come back to PV! And thanks for the updates. It's a daily ritual to read how your family is doing. Remember to get the goodies from our classroom for sweet Lindsey!


  2. We had a great time. It was so nice to be able to lend some support, if only for a few hours. Surrounded by all the stress your family is flourishing and Stacy is flat out amazing! We've always said you married above yourself, Jason. Sierra is so mature in her sharing her life and adventures, Megan, the "oh so busy" middle-schooler, and Gage finally warming up and playing hide & seek through the hallways. But then there's your princess. Lindsay, who left us in awe as she works through the poking, prodding, itching, and being attached to her tether. Besides, she smoked us in several rounds of Apples to Apples. You made our lives richer - we, as do many others, simply wish we could do more. So, we just continue to love & pray.

  3. Go IV antibiotics GO and kick that infection out of there!! Linsdey your bravery and maturity of handling and taking charge of the poking and prodding continues to amaze me, not to mention your ability to give brother advice on how to handle receiving a shot is even more priceless. I know that must have been a little difficult trying to get him to relax and remain calm! We love and miss you all dearly and will keep you very close in thoughts and prayers and will continue to BELIEVE that our prayers will be answered and Lindsey will receive the perfect gift. Loves, hugs and many prayers xoxoxoxo

  4. AMEN, to all of the above! Our prayers continue for such a worthwhile cause :) M.

  5. Dear Jason and Stacy, As always, on this Sabbath day you and your beautiful family are in our hearts and prayers. We team teach Gospel Doctrine. I can't tell you how many times we have used your family, your trials, your courage and your faith under pressure which, was forged over years in quieter moments, to make lesson points. Todday we will ask our class to pray that hte infection subsides and that as always a heart is made available. God Bless You, Love Dale and Mike Olsen

    PS: A joke for the kiddos: Q: What did the ground say to the earthquake?
    A: You crack me up!
