Thursday, October 18, 2012

Oct 18, The infection is growing

So they did another dressing change on the canula sites and it is infected.  It is hurting more, the redness has grown and the area is weeping more.  They are starting IV antibiotics, but of course her IV isn't working, so they need to start another IV.  You can tell they are taking this serious, we had Rosenthal and Katz both here for the dressing change.  They said it isn't into her blood and she doesn't have a fever.  She will get antibiotics and blood draws every 8 hours and daily dressing changes to watch it.  This does NOT change her listing status,  meaning she will not be suspended from the transplant list.

Add this to the fact that Hunter and I are leaving for 5 days and the SF Giants lost, and you get a little girl who is having an emotional morning.  She has been crying and doesn't want us to leave.  With tears in her eyes, she asked me why I didn't sleep here last night.

We have Shannon, the high energy nurse along with Tracy, the British nurse, as her nurses today.  They are the ones to have when Lindsey is have a rough day.

We are taking her for a small walk, to school, then we are heading to the airport.

Uggg, God bless our little princess.  


  1. Sweet Lindsey, we pray for you all day long. You have a 4 year old cousin, her name is Rebecca who NEVER forgets to pray for you. She always forgets to pray for the food - but never you! We all love you and hope this infection goes away quickly. From all the way in Maryland - we love you!

  2. ohh noo. I hope it gets better real quick. Lindsey YOU LOOK SO GOOD!..

    5 days will be over in no time.

  3. Lindsey, I tried to do some of the difficult (from the toes instead of the knees) pushups that you do in PT, and I did one. You can do ten!! You are amazing!! I hope this infection will clear up fast. You are in my prayers. I love you and miss you so much!

  4. Princess Lindsey, hang in there sweetie. Your Dad will be back soon and you will all be together as a family again. Five days is just the right time to get that old ugly infection all gone too. Uncle Lynn and I are praying for you everyday! We love you. We know how strong you are - we've seen you wakeboard!
    Love and prayers from Korea.

  5. Sorry Lindsey that you have all this going on. We pray for you very time we pray and sometimes more. You are strong you can do this!!!

    Jason I was going through some pictures tonight and found on of you and tiny baby Jacee when she was still in the NICU in boise. I just want to thank you and Stacy for caring for us at that time in our lives. I just hope we can do the some for your family.

    Hang in there Binghams, You are amazing and God is listing to every pray. and answering them.

    Love the Thompson Family

  6. Sending Hugs to Linsdey...
    It's looking a lot like fall back here in Haines.. Larry has all his decor up (the house that gets decorated to the hilt). Would you like to see photos?
    Love to you.. and that infection was nasty! Boy you are strong!!!

  7. Go away mr. infection and stay away for good! Poor little girl thats not part of the journey that you need to be having to deal with right now, but since it is we will pray for the IV meds to do there magic and time for a speedy recovery. Keep working hard and being ever so brave. You are one tough Lil' Princess! It was a great night of celebrating our late Dear Friend Riki tonight with a tri-tip dinner fundraiser to continue her dream of giving to all the students @ pvs in need of clothing, gifts, or school supplies. Lots of community support and it was also Seniors last home game. Thank you Jason and Hunter for attending, it was so great to see you both!!! Hunter so glad you are home in 'Oregon' for a few days, enjoy your freedom! Praying for comfort and peace for little Linsdey Lou....loves, hugs, and prayers for each of you xoxoxoxo
