Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Oct 17, The Canulas

Lindsey had her weekly dressing change for her canulas, or the hoses that go into her heart.  We noticed some new redness and irritation. Hopefully it is just some irritation from her active life style, but they are going to watch it very closely.  They have taken blood tests to watch her white blood cell count and other stuff.  They are also going to do daily dressing changes, not weekly, until this irritation and possible infection goes away.  The last thing you want is for her to get a fever or to get a raging infection that goes up around the canulas or into her blood steam.  So now that gives us all something to watch.  It was getting way too easy around here.

Giving our up coming schedule with Halloween and kids school, Hunter and I are going to make a quick trip home to make sure our house is still standing and to catch up on some work at the office.  The house needs a little winterizing and this is the only weekend for a while when I can do it.  I am going to take Hunter with me.  Taking that kid with me will greatly lighten Stacy's load here. That boy requires a lot of energy and space.  One of his favorite lines is, 'What can I do?....I'm hungry!' It doesn't matter when or where, he says that all the time.

Sherwood and Kerri Smith are coming this weekend. That will be so nice to have them here for a bit and help Stacy and the crew while Hunter and I are gone.  I feel horrible that I am going to miss them, unfortunately it is how things worked out. 

Once a week, a massage therapist comes by to give Lindsey a massage.  She really looks forward to her visits and drops whatever she is doing to use up every valuable minute the therapist has for her.  It's pretty cute.

Below is a picture of her canula sites from this morning.  The next picture is from a week ago.  You can see the new irritation and the need to watch it closely.

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to say that we think about you guys all the time. You are such an amazing family and I have to say that watching all of you and seeing how your spirits are always up really helped us get through the 5 1/2 months we were there in the hospital. We always loved seeing Lindsey and the whole gang walking through the CVICU and the whole hospital. I can't say enough how amazing you all are and how we really looked up to you guys. It is so nice to finally be out of that hospital and I pray that you guys will be out soon as well. Keep your spirits up! You are and will always be in our thoughts and prayers!
