Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Oct 16, the Nurses

Right now life is as good as we could ever expect. Lindsey is active, eating (via feeding tube), going to school, fighting with her brothers, bossing her sisters, and is a delight to be around.  The nurses are doing a wonderful job of making this a 'home'.  Tracy from England brings her the 'British Word of the Day'.  The latest word is 'Higgledy Piggledy' meaning 'in Disarray'.  There are currently 19 words on her list.  Kim today was playing cards with her and did Halloween projects with her in school.  Riza, a night nurse, is teaching her different dance moves, they have a lot of fun on walks.  Some of her other favorite nurses are Nichole, Denise, Shannon, Jenn, Grace, Heather and others we can't remember their names.

Sierra and Megan are pretty busy with school.  Sierra especially has a lot of homework, and Megan is busy with volleyball. They practice their band instruments every morning at 6:30 in the upstairs TV room at the RMH.  It is quite a lullaby they play for the RMH residence with their clarinet and saxophone. Somehow they can practice 2 completely different songs at the exact same time. I can here them loud and clear when I come home from Lindsey's room each morning.  We are waiting for someone to say something, but nothing yet.

Hunter and Gage are two boys that love to play, wrestle and fight.  Lot of energy between those two.

Everyone gets excited about Halloween around here.  Each unit in the hospital dresses up in a theme then the kids trick-or-treat to the different units. 3 West is going either supper hero or pop star.  The engineering department puts on a spook alley in the cafeteria.  One guy said that is the toughest project they do each year.  I volunteered to get the guys from back home and my 455 Husqevarna chain saw and we could help get the spooks on!  They thought that might be a bit bold for our audience.  Go figure.  Stacy has outfits for the kids and is working on our outfits. I think Stacy should be 'Wonder Woman', but Stacy says the outfit I liked may not be appropriate for all ages.  I'll keep looking.  Remember, a little patience and work it just right.

Baby Tristin Thomas had a small set back today. They tried to wean her from the milrinone and she didn't do well.  Hopefully she just needs a bit more time.  One of the Dr's dropped the 'transplant' word.  Hopefully Tristin will pull improve.  Time will tell.

From the last time I checked, we are still one day closer to transplant.


  1. Love all the spooky pictures of the kiddos!! Stacy--not a fan of dressing like wonder woman is because she already is WONDER WOMAN and SUPERWOMAN all thrown in as one Incredible Lady, right?! It just must be your choice of costume you had in mind!! :) The staff at the hospital are so amazing and caring. Glad Linsdey keeps them busy teaching her new things, so she will be able to teach her 'country' friends a few new things, too! Keeping Tristin in our prayers, a good reminder of how quickly things can change, and don't let the lows get you to low. Prayers and blessings for her and her family. Jason hope you've had a chance to take a breather from your long day yesterday meeting the deadlines! Hope the rest of your week is SPOOKTACULAR! loves, hugs, and many prayers for each closer day--xoxoxoxo

  2. I so enjoy reading your news! All the fun being shared gives me a smile :) Prayers are still being offered up & Tristan is included :) Keep learning, smiling, laughing & living, we are all w/you as is Father
    <3 to <3
    (LOVing all your costumes, scary! Have a great Halloweeen, sounds like more fun...BOO!)

  3. We LOVE you family!

  4. Jason & Stacy,

    I love reading your blog. I try to do it everyday, but sometimes I miss it and have to catch up, like this morning. You both have a real knack for writing and inspire me every time I read it. As for the costumes, Stacy, Spartan cheerleaders is still available and you two definitely rocked those!! :)

    Prayers still coming your way! Love and miss you all!

  5. Something about those masks are a just a little creepy. Great pictures.
    Missed you and Delbert (Badger Man)last night Jason. Needed you to keep me settled down in my one man Boar's nest!
    How about a concert by the two musicians??

  6. Next time we want to be super heroes, we're dressing up as the Binghams. Love to you all.

    Mark and Kristen

  7. Oh, Nice Lindsey! I love the manicure-please tell me you got a pedicure too! I can understand why you wouldn't post those-that would be a little on the creepy side! Love you guys-enjoy the scary holiday.
