Sunday, October 14, 2012

Oct 14, Sunday, CAL Berkley performance

Had a very nice Sunday.  Stacy taught Hunter's class today at church.  She sure enjoyed that, made it feel a bit normal. After church, we had Meghan Cleary from CAL Berkley and 5 of her friends came here to bring us a brunch and perform.  There are usually 12 people in their performing group, but only 5 were able to come.  They were AWESOME!  They performed 3 songs in the Sabroto room for just our family and anyone else that came by.  They also took brunch to the RMH and performed there as well.  We were quite impressed and moved by their efforts.  They even gave us all CAL shirts in preparation for the CAL Berkley / Stanford game this Saturday. I guess there is quite a deep and abiding love between the two schools.  I guess CAL Berkley is just north of San Francisco on the east bay.

The Palo Alto Ward brought in another wonderful meal for us.  It was so good, and nice to be able to eat as a family with Lindsey. Thank you.

We also had Shannon as our nurse today. She is a very fun loving, high energy nurse that likes to have a good time.  We played games and went on fun walks today. 

I have a busy day tomorrow.  It is the last day to file extended 2011 tax returns.  I have been able to work remotely from the RMH.  I have a few returns I am waiting on a few bits of info then we can get them filed before the heavy penalties set in.  Soooo, tomorrow will not be a good day for a transplant. Oh, but wouldn't that be exciting!

Sure nice tucking Gage into MY bed tonight back at the RMH. Little rascal!  He just looks at me, winks, then tells his mommy how cold he is, and she cuddles right into him. I'm happy to be here with my Princess.  The nurse told me Lindsey's eyes light up when I show up for the evening shift, and she does sleep a lot better when Stacy or I are here.

They have her blood clotting factor back under control, so no shots tonight.  And yes, I checked her meds tonight to make sure she had all the right stuff.  Lindsey asked again during rounds when she would be able to head to the Stanford side and out to the fountains and beyond.  They assured her and Stacy and I that they are working on it, and keep on them until they have an answer. She will!

Heard more amazing stories from back home. We sure miss our Eastern Oregon community.

Lindsey and Chloe from a couple of doors down

Lindsey checking Hunters 'math' in a calm friendly game of Sorry.

The CAL Berkley performers.



  1. Your family looks so good. Keep up the good work.

  2. Another Joke for the kiddos!!!!!

    Q: Have you ever seen a catfish?
    A: No. How did he hold the rod and reel?

    Love and Prayers, Dale and Mike

  3. What an adventure your family is on! That performing group was so fun, and so very thoughtful to be there for your family.

    Okay, since we're one of the taxes you had to work so hard on today (Monday) all I can say is, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for your patience and great job! Phew! Got it done! Yippee! (Wishing this would have been the day for a new heart, but a little grateful it waited one more day... is that wrong?)

    Here's a joke I just heard... this ones for you've probably already heard it, but it still makes me laugh (and wonder)...

    I received my tax return for 2011 back from the IRS. It puzzles me!!! They are questioning how many dependents I claimed. I guess it was because of my response to the question: "List all dependents?" I replied: 12 million illegal immigrants; 3 million crack heads; 42 million unemployed people on food stamps, 2 million people in over 243 prisons; Half of Mexico; and 535 persons in the U.S. House and Senate." 1 useless President. Evidently, this was NOT an acceptable answer.


    Love you guys, Elizabeth & Dan S.

  4. Those pics of Chloe and Lindsey are priceless. They are both so beautiful!

    I really admire how you have kept your family together during this time, rather than have some back in North Powder.

    Hugs and prayers, Janelle

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Sorry, I deleted my previous post, because I forgot to sign my name...

    Stacy always looks so beautiful, composed, and in control of things in all your pictures. You're a blessed man, Jason!

    Denette Dabling

  7. Loved watching the perfomers! They seemed to bring quite a bit of joy to the room, I also loved Gage's expression (so CUTE!). I can't believe how much little Chloe has grown in just a month, she is very sweet and Lindsey and Chloe make quite the pair. Jason hope your busy Monday didn't cause any major headaches! Better not wear those Cal shirts next door to Stanford side during the week of the battle!! Very sweet of Meghan and her crew to come down and perform and bring a souvenir! Hope this week goes well. loves, hugs, and many prayers for each of you--xoxoxoxo

  8. I love that first picture of Lindsey and Chloe.
    Hope your tax day went good yesterday!
