Saturday, October 13, 2012

Oct 13, Saturday, Coumadin & Lovenox

They are going to increase her tube feeds back to full strength. She is tired of being forced to eat and has lost a little weight, again not much, just trending down and they what to stop it.

They had to start the Lovenox shots back up because.....  She was supposed to be getting 2.5 mg of coumadin (pill), and for some reason the night orders were for only 2 mg.  Thus her blood clotting factor isn't where it should be and she has to start getting shots again.  We and especially Lindsey received numerous apologies from nurses, doctors, and nurse practitioners.  I guarantee it, that won't happen again under my watch. I knew how much she was supposed to get, we just assumed she was getting it. Tonight I asked and will continue to keep up on it. Our nurse today wrote out all the meds Lindsey is on and the doses and now Stacy and I can check it.

For her shot today, she had Megan play Nertz with her while Denise, the nurse, gave the shot.  She is pretty tough at taking the poke. They had 'Pet Therapy' today. It wasn't exactly horses, but we did get some pictures with cute little doggies. 

Maybe it's just catching up with Stacy and I, but this is really dragging on. I have been working quite a bit, and Stacy has kept all the kids in Lindsey's room. Sometimes that room can get pretty small, and the fuse is pretty short. Sometimes, Friday night and Saturday can be kinda rough.  We all want to get out and go do something, but so does Lindsey. It never feels 100% okay to go out and leave Lindsey.  I know we need to, but it's just hard.  Stacy and I haven't slept in the same bed for months.  I never realized how much I miss that quiet snuggle time with my good lookin' wife.

I still have a very firm faith in the Lord.  We have been so blessed.  I know he hears our prayers.  When the time is right, and when the donor family has been prepared, we will have a chance to move on with our lives.

I'm not complaining, Lindsey is doing great, we are all doing great. Just sharing some of my thoughts and feelings.


  1. I am so happy that she got animal therapy! Summer said to say hi and that she prays that Lindsey will get her donor heart soon and be back home in the country. She also prays for the donor family every night. Stay strong.... You guys are wonderful parents and I am hoping I can be as strong as you guys if I ever need to be. Keep having fun and making the best of it. It has been proven already that you guys will do what you guys need to do to keep that beautiful smile on her face. God Bless.

  2. Never apologize for being human and real :) I think that's one of the reasons your family has touched so many lives. I can't feel your 'pain', if it's ok to phrase it that way but I can certainly feel your frustrations, irritations, annoyance, aggravations and the joy over the simple answers to the little prayers.
    We have no clue as to why you were picked by Him to go thru this. My theory? Because God knew who could handle this! You are medical trailblazers! And you are doing a fabulous job!
    Stay strong, you faithfilled fantastic parents!
    God, please watch over this family and guide them in their journey with a kind and loving eye, Amen! M.

  3. Yay, for some pet therapy!! Another small prayer answered and I am sure the little puppy dogs were a joy and delight! Praying that this Sunday has been a blessed day for all. I know it doesn't feel right leaving Lindsey behind in the hospital, but she is in wonderful hands and I know the nurses love taking a break to play a little Wacky Six with Lindsey....maybe then you guys can sneak away for a little while. It is just as important for all of you to be together as it is to give yourselves a break from the hospital and breath in some fresh air (maybe more important for the kiddos to have some "kid" down time at the RMH playhouse's or fort!!). I pray that this journey won't leave you guys limping along too long. He has picked a tough and faithful family to show and teach so many others about life and faith...keep doing, proving, showing, and teaching, because you are both doing an AMAZING and INCREDIBLE job. I would love to be able to come back down and try to fill the big shoes you both walk in, so you could have a little "snuggle" time with your sweet wife, but I think that means I would have to also keep the little man at the hospital, since he has taken your place (not forever just for the mean time!)!! love you guys and pray often for you all. May God BLESS our Little Lindsey Lou with the perfect heart and her dear donor family that is being prepared for giving life. loves, hugs, and many prayers--xoxoxoxo
