Friday, October 12, 2012

Oct 12, Friday, Routine days

Stacy here.
Couple of routine days. School, PT, volleyball, Jazz band, and good walks. 
We are still waiting for the policy to be rewritten so that Lindsey can go for longer walks.  Today it rained here, which was a little refreshing.  Unfortunately, the Berlin is not allowed out in the rain.  As it has a computer on the top of it that runs the machine.  That would be really bad to be caught in a rain storm.  Lindsey was  a little bummed when she couldn't go for her walk this morning outside. However, the rain had stopped by this afternoon and she was able to go out by the fountain and "play" around.  We had all the kids but Sierra for that walk.  It is always entertaining for us, the nurses and any other bistanders when we are ALL out for a walk with Lindsey.

Sierra spent the afternoon at her good friend Nori's house.  She has been a great friend for Sierra.  We had the treat of visiting with Nori and her dad when they dropped off Sierra.  Another one of the many great families in this area.

Stayed up late watching "Shrek," so it is time to get everyone to bed! For a change, I am staying with Lindsey tonight and Jason is heading home to put the crew to bed. Good luck Mr Mom.  Good night and blog ya later.


  1. Hi! I think of you guys at random times of the day, usually when doing something totally ordinary, like dropping off at school or going to the grocery store or this morning, getting ready for a local fun run where, at another time, I might see Stacy's smiling face! Thank you for the daily updates - and how exciting to FINALLY go outside!! -- Lisa Britton

  2. I think your your little country girl needs some country back in her life :) maybe there is a horse breeder or enquine center around there some where. and possibly they Could bring a horse to the hospital parking lot so she can pet it Animals help lift spirits.. just an idea to help change up the "routine" :) God Bless

    1. That is a wonderful idea! They use horses for patients with cancer and neurological disorders and the therapy has helped them. I could just see her face and beautiful eyes light up :-)

  3. Routine days are always nice, but sometimes its nice to have some surprises, right?! I like the idea of having a play date with an animal or I was also thinking it would be awesome for Lindsey to be able to get her hands on a piano to play and sing the day away. Grandma would love that!!! Our power went out lastnight for a couple of hours and turned the routine Friday night football game into a delay....Cove came back today at 1:00 to play the last 49 seconds of the game to lose to us 40-22....crazy, crazy, crazy. GO BADGER FOOTBALL!! We barely got any rain the last couple of days, but the weather has changed enough to make it feel a lot like fall. Thinking and praying for each of you. Hope your Sunday will be a blessed day with a nice family dinner in the sabrato room. loves, hugs, and prayers xoxoxoxo

  4. Hey Binghams, ;) we are almost done with potato harvest we hope for just a few more days. We think about you guys everyday, and always read the up dates. If Lindsey would like I'LL try to get some pictures of our crew at harvest that kristin took so you can see whats going on here. may you all have the blessings upon you that you need right now. Love the thompsons

    PS. I know this is late but I thought about your family alot during conference last week. Things were testified of that really helped to strengthen and reinforce what we already know to be true. Thank you for helping us teach our kids to think and pray for others and have the faith to know that those prayers will be answered.

  5. Another joke for the kiddos:
    Q: Why do seagulls like to live by the sea?
    A: Because if they lived by the bay they would be bagels!

    Love and Prayers, Dale and Mike Olsen
