Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Oct 10, Breaking new ground

11:00 pm. Really the only thing today is her walking.  Everyone involved in her medical care has become aware of her extended travelings and there are a few loose ends that need to be addressed.  Basically, Lindsey is the first Berlin patient in this hospital to walk as far and for as long as she does.  Right now, they don't have a policy or protical in place if something were to happen while she was outside the hospital (LPCH) boundaries.  So when we wander down to the fountain, or the Stanford side, or down all these mystery hallways we (I) keep finding, they need a procedure in place to address the various things that could go wrong. (And there are plenty of things that could go wrong, remember she is on mechanical support.)  Stacy and I are very okay with this. It's kinda fun to be the family that is helping LPCH come up with new procedures. We went through this same process when her walks were longer than a half hour and we were getting all those crazy Berlin alarms, and they didn't know how to fix it.

What Stacy and I appreciate is that they are addressing this issue.  They are NOT saying, 'Sorry, you can't leave, it's against our policy'.  They don't have any policy, and they are working to get one worked up that will allow her to go.

They also understand how well she is doing, and keeping her 'locked' up in the children's hospital side is not good for her spirits. These adventure walks have been really good for her moral.  So in report we will be following up to see where they are at, so we can bust out of here (on a walk).

Oh but my plot is even darker.  I want to be the first family to take their child off the entire hospital grounds.  Meaning, load her up in the big red suburban and go to the RMH, or the mall, or a park, or church, or somewhere. Now we are breaking new ground.  But I have learned from my Dad and from 15 years of marriage, if you want something bad enough you need to have patience and you need to package it just right.  Of course we would have nurses, monitors, EMTs, backup equipment, her blanky, and anyone and anything else that needs to come along to keep her perfectly safe.  But wouldn't that be so cool.  Stand by for that one.

Also, they addressed her 'leads'.  She has a pretty bad skin reaction to the heart monitor leads on her chest.  Her poor chest is covered with sores, scabs, and a rash from the months of leads stuck to them.  Since she's doing well, they want her to leave her leads off during the day and check her heart rate every couple of hours or so.  Again, no other Berlin patient has done that. 

So these are good problems to have.  Just as we get all this stuff figured out, something crazy will happen and we will be shaving.  But not yet.

Lindsey and our family continues to pray for Ruth Frieboes, Chloe, Tristen, Shawn Stockwell, and Ricky Anderson's family, and others.

Again, thank you for the love, support and comments.  We read and re-read each one.

 They are doing an article in the 'LPCH Nursing' magazine about Lindsey, her journey, and the nurses that take care of her.  They took a few photos for the magazine but first they wanted to do a little 'make-over'.  She felt pretty special.


  1. This post reminded me of the book by Kelly Perkins called “The Climb of My Life: Scaling Mountains with a Borrowed Heart.“ In it, she talks about being the first heart transplant recipient to climb several mountains (e.g. the Matterhorn). It sounds like Lindsey may head down the same path, doing amazing things that no one in her condition (and very few people without heart problems) have ever done before. Keep up the good work, Lindsey! We continue to pray for all of you during this trial.
    ~Andrea Boyer Eliason

  2. Wow! Look at you Lindza-riffic, setting standards for the hospital, good job! What a gift you are/have given them! Now we need someone to give you a gift! We keep praying for that, one of these days it will happen :) God has plans for you, evidently you have work to do for him, lol!
    So good to hear that you are allowed your walking adventures. You have wonderful parents that are always there for you and so diligent in your care and needs. Pretty sure you know that, huh?
    Keep up the fantastic work/play/fun, however you want to call it :)
    Dear Lord, please keep this family in your care, tending to their needs, Amen! M.

  3. I love Andrea's post how inspiring! Lindsey you better be paying attention in your language arts section because I think you might be up to writing a book someday. Maybe you could be a co-author with your siblings. Wouldn't that be cool!!!
    Jason I love your input that marriage has given you I kind of giggled with that one. I really can't imagine that Stacey could in anyway teach you patience (wink, wink). love the good news! we love you! Emily and Bentley

  4. Great to hear that she is leading the way.

  5. Wow! What incredible goals to be able to have. What I think is great is not only are you setting new boundaries for Lindsey, but this is the sort of thing that could potentially help the quality of life for future heart patients like Lindsey too. It seems to me that even though your family is going through so much, you all are also giving back in so many ways (like this, and by praying for and helping other families at lpch) and I think that is so admirable.

    Meghan Cleary

  6. That would be so awesome for Lindsey to be able to REALLY leave. We're thrilled that she is doing so well and feeling so good...considering! And Jas, you have the corner on the market for packaging things just right. You know by experience you can get any and all info you want out Jeff with the "right package" for which I think you are a big hairy chinned stinker. Hope today is fantastic for you all!

  7. Way to be breaking new ground! Even if at times the ground seems frozen and you're shovel is in need of a good sharpening. You are doing something wonderful by being together as a family and loving and supporting each other. Lindsey, Seth and I think you're quite the trooper! Keep on keepin' on, the Lord is very aware of you! We love U!!! Also do you think the docs would allow you to come take my comps and national exams in Boise this weekend? Love Aunt G

  8. You are AWESOME!!! It is so fun to read your blog and see your positive outlook shining through. Lindsey, Uncle Lynn and I think you are tough as rocks. Way to go sweetie! Jason and Stacy, you are amazing. You two hold your little family together while always looking for the positive. As for your pioneer matter the dangers, you've got the wagons circled, your little family safe inside, playing nertz, and all are happy as can be because you are all together. Thank you for your example of what a family should be. SET THE RECORDS LINDSEY! Love and prayers from Korea

  9. "Breaking new ground," is just the plan He has had set from the beginning. He has given Lindsey great medical care from the beginning and has given doctors and nurses multiple opportunities to learn from little Lindsey Lou. He has brought great focused attention to organ donation and giving life, and he has brought a very large prayer group together for the Bingham Seven and especially Lindsey Lou. She has "broken new ground" already in so many new ways and I pray that this trend continues until the perfect heart comes. This is really incredible. Just think how big His plan really is and the option for berlin patients to leave a hospital is so incredible. Keep breaking new grounds and being the inspiration that you all are. loves, hugs, and prayers--xoxoxoxo
    p.s. We got to see Ruth yesterday, she came to school for a lunch visit, WOW, she looks amazing. We are so happy with how well is doing and feeling. She is amazing!

  10. A joke for the Kiddos!
    Q: What happens when it rains cats and dogs?
    A: You can step in a poodle!

    Dear Jason and Stacy, Thank you for allowing me to borrow courage from you. Thank you for allowing me to renew my faith. Thank you for reminding me to keep my priorities straight and everything else is just "stuff". Thank you for the reminder to "dare to break new ground". Dale and I continue to send our Love, our prayers, and our gratitude. Mike and Dale Olsen
