Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Oct 9, The kindness of others

Lindsey has lost a little weight from cutting back on feeds and depending more on her eating. It's just not worth the fight to force food down her.  So they are going to increase the tube feeds to balance out her nutrition.  It's such a burden to her to eat all that she needs.  Other than that, its all good. School, PT, lovinox shots (grrr), and bossing her brothers around.

Kim, her nurse today, will be gone for the next week.  Kim asked if she could pray with Lindsey and our family.  It was very neat to hear the faith of nurses pulling for her. 

Meghan Cleary, from CAL University, came by to visit Lindsey.  She had read our story and wanted to come by.  She played games with Lindsey while Stacy and I tended to our other kids and work.  It was very thoughtful of her.

We enjoyed another wonderful meal together as a family in the Sabroto room.  It is so nice to be provided the meals from the Palo Alto Ward so we have that family time, as crazy as it is.

Short post tonight. Sierra has homework and will be up late typing.
Do you see anyone in this picture that shouldn't be??


  1. What an uplifting part of your day, that was so nice of that CAL student to come and meet you Lindsey! Now I wish she could have come read to me. Actually it would be nice to come and see you and we (me and you) could read together! Seth and I are trying to figure out what to dress up for Halloween? Actually he doesn't care, its me who spends time thinking of it. I thought about Rocky and Adrian, or Elmer Fudd and Bugs Bunny, or Sid the Sloth and the Squirrel from Ice Age. What do you think? Do you have any ideas for costumes? We started a fire in the fireplace this morning because it was cold, which led to the smoke alarm going off which led to Uncle Seth taking out the battery to the smoke alarm!
    We sure miss you. Keep smiling and being tough even on the hard days. We love you and are so proud of you! Maybe we could see you for Christmas or something! Love Aunt G

  2. Lindsey bossing the boys around, NO WAY, they don't need any bossing do they???!! HAHAHA! Glad the little Princess is still doing amazing, even though she is having to go through so much. I bet Lindsey stole Meghan's heart, too...little Lindsey Lou has something special and can do that pretty easily. I'm pretty sure she came by that honestly with knowing how kind and caring both of you are. We will continue to pray for many blessings that will allow for Lindsey to keep shining and that her special day is getting closer (like now would be great!)!! Hope the other kiddos are doing well. When does basketball get under way? How is jazz band going for Sierra? Loves, hugs, and prayers for each of you---xoxoxoxo

  3. Your family continues to touch many lives. When things seem tough I think of your family and your amazing strength. Lindsey is without a doubt the toughest girl I know. God bless your family. Love the Hamanns

  4. I think I'm internet famous now that i got a blog shout out!! Hehe

    It was lovely to meet you all today. I had lots of fun learning Wacky 6 and whatever that other game was with the Bees. Hunter is so sweet (and crazy!) and reminded me so much of my little brother. Lindsey too of course, and all the kids. Lindsey certainly did steal my heart. I hope the rest of the week goes well!
    Meghan C

  5. Perhaps a skype session is in order to boost the spirits a bit more for the weekend. Text me if Lindsey Lou is up for it.

    Right now we are writing stories about how nothing every happens at Powder Valley Elementary! I can't wait to see what the kids come up with. We know that something happens daily in your lives down there. We all are blessed that you share daily!

    Mrs. Marlia and I are busy helping plan for a big math and science conference for teachers on Friday in La Grande. I'm not quite sure why people keep calling us math nerds, but I think we like it! And, I think I'm going to have to check out the Wacky 6 game. That's one I haven't played!

    We miss you!!!
    Mrs. Smith (aka Math Nerd!)
