Monday, October 8, 2012

Oct 8 , Ronald McDonald, the 49ers & Genetic testing results

11:00 pm.
Routine day. School, walks, homework, volleyball game. Stacy and I still think Lindsey is fighting a bit of depression, but she is working at it and so are we.  Stacy bought some Halloween lights for her room, and every walk we try to go somewhere in the hospital we have never been.  Of course Hunter and Gage help keep things exciting.

Sierra had her first babysitting job at the Niccum's.  Sometimes she can act pretty grown up. 

At the RMH, they had three 49er football players there to play games and sign stuff. They weren't starters and frankly I don't remember who they were, but Hunter liked getting their autograph.  However, Ronald McDonald himself was there and we did get pictures with him.  I asked him how he keeps his youth?  He looks exactly the same from when I was a kid a few years ago.

Lindsey's clotting blood level is low so they had to start the lovinox shots in the arm twice a day plus blood draws 4 hours after for a total of 4 pokes a day.  She is soooo excited about that.  They will be doing a blood draw at 2 am.  Hope you all sleep well tonight. Once they have the clotting blood level where they want it, they will stop the lovinox shots.

The genetic testing came back today and we reviewed it with Kyla (I can't remember her name).  To greatly paraphrase she said there are 4 genes affecting the heart that are irregular in Lindsey.  The theory right now is I may be carrying a few of them and Stacy could be caring the other ones and once they combine it creates the 'perfect storm' in our kids.  That is just the theory right now.  So now they want to test the rest of the family for these 4 genes and see who has what.  She asked us if this genetic testing would give us any comfort.  We said yes, but told her until I am 6 feet under I will never stop watching my kids and someday grand kids, regardless of the genetic results.  But if this testing will help kids down the road, go for it.

Hunter thought it was cool, but Megan was a bit embarrassed.

Lindsey holding Chloe, who has been on the Berlin since early August.


  1. Wow what a day! Megan I think Keanna would be a little embarassed as well. Sierra we miss you as a babysitter here, that family is lucky to have you. Crazy about the genetic testing I think its great to get all the kids tested. I'm glad they found something to explain this awful situation. It may not help a lot, but maybe it can put to rest some of your other fears . Em

  2. Ps how did your pictures go

  3. Keep hanging in there. Glad to hear that things leveling out a little bit.

  4. Love seeing those berlin warriors together! Baby therapy does a girl a lot of good! Hang in there everyone!!
