Monday, October 8, 2012

Oct 8, Monday, The race

9:00 am.
100 Days on the Berlin (110 on the list). Should be getting close, you would think. Had a nice Sunday with Lindsey watching Conference.  Took some good walks.

Here are some cute family pictures from our big 50 minute adventure walk.  Our goal is to walk down EVERY hall in the Stanford Hospital.  Found a hall that had a slope.  Had some fun races up and down it.   Nurse was a bit nervous, but we had fun. The winner is yet to be determined, you be the judge.


  1. I think you are all winners! So awesome that you are all able to soak up a little sunshine together. Thinking of you all daily.
    Cherrie, North Powder

  2. Oh, the sunshine looks fabulous!!!It's awesome that Lindsey actually gets to go outside and get a little Vitamin D. I'm not EVEN going to weigh-in on who I think won that race. I have a feeling the debate could get UGLY!

    Okay, heart, it's time! We're all ready, but none as ready as Lindsey, I'm certain!

  3. I am all for taking a few risks now and then, but I can hardly watch that without cringing for fear of what a little trip or stumble would do. I can only imagine what the nurse was doing or what a Doctor would say at the sign of 6 people running down the hall. Stacy - you may need to reign in that man of yours a little! Actually the little man Hunter may need a little whoa as well:)
    Looks like about as much fun as a person could handle on one day!

  4. SUPER LOVE THIS!!! Great race Lindsey it looks like a great tie :D Jason your chin hair is gettin mighty long, LOVE IT!!! way to keep your promise :D

  5. Nice racing, Bingham Clan. You continue to amaze me little Lindsey Lou and I bet you are going to be the poster child for how active a child can be while on a berlin....simply amazing!!! I bet the debate of who won lasted all day! What beautiful sunshine for Lindsey to be able to enjoy. I love the pics of all hanging by the water....and I am assuming there were no headers!!! LOL! Keep trucking along my dear friends, your day and call is getting closer, and you are doing an amazing job! with much love, hugs, and prayers for each of you...xoxoxoxo
