Sunday, October 21, 2012

Oct 21, A Long Night, Jason & Hunter in Oregon

8:50 am. Stacy here.
We had a great day yesterday. The kids and I wore our Cal shirts in honor of Meghan Cleary.  We thought we might get stoned, but we only got a few comments here and there. Thank you Meghan for the shirts, that was very nice.

 We went for a walk in the morning, along with our daily visit to the LPCH gift shop. Played some cards with Rachelle Williamson. She was here in May to June with their son and are back for another surgery. Very nice to visit with her. We taught her Nertz. We also went to the playroom and made some Halloween mobiles for our party on Saturday. We ended the day with some fun Halloween movies. The kids favorite was Hocus Pocus.

 Lindsey got tired and moody in the afternoon. She ended up taking an hour nap at 5:30. Unfortunately this made her not very tired when I had to leave to take the kids back to RMH. Even though we stayed as late as I dared, which was 9:30. Our kids tend to start falling apart if they get to bed too late, which makes the hospital room get really tiny really fast. I started laundry and got kids in bed as soon as we got home. She ended up calling me at 11:50 crying because she couldn't sleep and wanted someone to stay with her. I talked with her for awhile and she calmed down. Then she called her Dad and talked with him for about 1/2 hour.  When I got here this morning her feeds were still going. I asked why it were still going and the nurse said that she sat out with the nurses until about 1am, so she was behind on her feeds. Ugghhhh!! A little frustrating. She is awake and happy now, but I will have to wear her out today. She sleeps best when she is totally exhausted. There is nothing I can do about being here with her at night. So, wearing her out is our best option. Lots of walks today!!!

Jason and Hunter fly back on Tuesday.  Lindsey is counting down the days.

Today is a memorable day for us.  On this day 6 years ago we drove home from Calif with Sierra. Our total stay in Calif with Sierra was from 7/9/06 to 10/21/06. A total of 105 days, 4 days pre-list, 21 days on the list (and not a day longer), and 80 days post-transplant. We were and still are so blessed. 

 Uncle Seth and Garrity. Hunter Dad and I met up with them in Ontario.  They sure miss you Lindsey.
 Hunter and I on a 'Boys Night Out' in Baker.  Can you name this spot?


  1. Perhaps even some just dance wii time is needed today also!! Or maybe some tough math problems would help with making that brain tired...I'm sure Mrs. Smith would appreciate and love that!! It sounds like you're Sunday will be a Sunday of busy walks and activities to help get lindsey back on the routine sleeping schedule. However, I'm sure the nurses did enjoy Linsdey's company lastnight and made their evening go by quickly, just the pits that it sets her off schedule! Thinking and praying for no cranky attitudes for you to deal with today Stacy. Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo

  2. LOVE that you guys wore your Cal t-shirts yesterday! Unfortunately Stanford totally killed us in the football game. :(

    I am so bummed to hear that Lindsey is having a rough time of it. I wouldnt like sleeping by myself in the hospital either, but she is so brave with all the stuff she has to go through and put up with. Hopefully things will go better tonight.

    Meghan Cleary

  3. Think about you guys every day! I hope the infection goes away soon and know Lindsey will be happy to have Jason and Hunter back on Tuesday. I'm sure Sierra is a great inspiration for LIndsey. Hope to see you soon.

  4. Dear Lindsey,

    I have been reading your blog and praying for your heart.
    Your mom and dad keep talking about how you play a game called Nertz. I have never heard of this game before, but you play it a lot so it must be fun! I was wondering if you could do a video or tell me how to find directions on playing? I have two little boys and I bet they would like to play, but the directions I found online were confusing.

    If you can't make a video, maybe you know where there are directions that aren't so confusing.

    I hope you are having a good day!

  5. Wow, it seems crazy to see your dates that you added for Sierra and that marked her journey down a very memorable and emotional lane! Really incredible how much more advance medicine has became in terms of heart conditions for children over the years, but yet also how important it is to spread the word about organ donation. As I have always said your family is so INCREDIBLE and INSPIRATIONAL and Lindsey's journey may have more days included, but she has also taught so many more people, including the doctors and nurses, through her journey!! Hope today has been an exhausting day for everyone, but you Stacy, Lord, knows you need as much energy that He can give you and He will not let you down! love you all and miss you each so much. Hang in there, Lindsey's big day is coming and she too will be blessed in many ways. Loves, hugs, and many sincere prayers for Lindsey and donor families around the world. xoxoxoxo
    P.S. How's the infection and Lindsey holding up to the irritation?

  6. Burger Bob's Baby! Tickle Burger with cheese please! Hi Lindsey, it's true Seth and I do miss you, and your parents and your siblings. Have a good day! Love Aunt G

  7. Burger Bob's! Yum! We had it for Stella's 5th birthday last week.
    Hope you're feeling better Lindsey. We love and miss you.

  8. name is Annie Nash, we live in the Enterprise Ward. Jason came and talked in our ward a few months ago, and we were so touched by his love for his family and his faith. We have been reading your blog and keeping up since that time. My daughter Chelsie Gray thought it would be fun to send a package to the family for Halloween. We do not know where to send it though. If you could give us an address where that would be great...If you do not want to post the address on your blog you could send it to my whole family is an inspiration to us, and you are in our prayers daily. Dale Bingham was in the Stake Pres. when my husband was called as Bishop of our ward...what a wonderful family you have. We hope things will get better for Lindsey and the whole family soon...Sincerely, Annie Nash
