Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Oct 3, Sierra's biopsy

10:00 pm.
Good to be back with the family. No big issues to report on Lindsey.  They are still trying to ween her from the feeding tube, but she is not eating or drinking enough.  No big deal, they just have to increase or adjust the nightly feedings.  Everyday they are adjusting something on her.   It was good she had a good uneventful day because the rest of the clan was pretty busy.

Sierra had a blood draw, biopsy and a 12 hour IVIG treatment for her antibody rejection.  It is currently 10:00 pm and she has about an hour left on the IV.  It is a long day for her.  Her biopsy went well. Find out tomorrow on her rejection level.  A month ago it was a 1B on a scale of Zero being no rejection and 4 being the worse. Her heart pressures were elevated, a bit more than last biopsy.  Not sure what that means, but the last time she had elevated heart pressures, she had a 2+ rejection. So Stacy and I are preparing ourselves for more rejection.  She also has a 'gallop' in her heart beat and still showing signs of puffiness and dizziness.  It may be a simple lasix adjustment or more rejection meds.  Just have to see what the results are.  So if you're the prayin' sort, maybe give the Lindsey prayers a 1 night break (not 2), and throw one up for Sierra.

Stacy had an appointment for her knee. She doesn't talk about it much, but it is sure bothering her.  Also Megan had a volleyball game in San Mateo.  Thanks to Stacy's mom Renee and Michelle Hansen for helping with the kids.

Today we had Tracy as our nurse, she is a fun high energy lady from the UK.  She is always excited to see Lindsey in the halls.  Each day she gives us the English word of the day. Today was 'Banger' which is an old car or sausage.  Other words have been 'Brolly' or umbrella, 'Gander' or to look at, 'Skin and Blister' or sister, 'Apples and Pears' or stairs, 'Cherrio' or goodbye, 'Lou' or toilet, and the list goes on.  The kids are always excited to see her working, and watch her scramble to come up with a new 'word-of-the-day'

Tomorrow is Tristen's 2nd heart surgery.  Tristen is the new baby with a 1/2 a heart, her parents are Kade and Stephanie Thomas from Adrian Oregon.  They have sure become good friends.  They have a little 3 year old boy named Wyatt who loves to play, wrestle, and fight with Gage and Hunter.  Tonight Dan Lassen and I gave Tristen a blessing in preparation for the surgery tomorrow.  Everyone is confident that things will go well.

 Getting ready for school

 Gage showing off his batman outfit for Halloween.  He is pretty excited.

 Lindsey on a visit to the 1st floor to visit big sister getting her IVIG 12 treatment.

 Soon she will be able to braid it.


  1. Love you guys! LOVE the attitude, so positive!
    We don't need to take a day off from prayers for Linds, we just add a special intention for Sierra! Simple as that :)
    You are so tricky to hide those chin whiskers, lol! Very creative and fun!
    Lots of prayers...ALWAYS but a few extra for Sierra and Stacy :)
    Soak up some of that warm Cali sun for me, I'm freezing! So not ready for the cold...
    May God bless you and keep you in His care! M. PS. Get your knee checked, Stacy! Your family needs you on two good legs :)

  2. You guys are so funny. I love seeing your pictures. We sure do miss your family. Activity days are just not the same.

    We will send some Prayers for Sierra too.

  3. Sierra I have a bone to pick with you!!! You didn't stop by and see me when you were in Oregon. I realize you needed to get back to the airplane so I will forgive the situation ;-) you will be in our thoughts and prayers, we sure hope that it's a zero or close. Your family always amazes me, I LOVE your positive attitudes!! Tonight our family will be goin to the Elgin Opera House and as I told Lyndi she said "and Gage go and yindsey go and tacy and jason go." I didn't have the heart to tell her no, so I changed the subject.
    Last night was the NP open house, I was talking to Mr.F and he said all students have an email account, that includes Lindsey. I was thinking maybe if we got her account going she could start emailing Keanna and her other friends. the bonus is its completely secure and unless you have a NP email account you can't send any messages etc. I know Keanna would love this, just a thoght!

  4. Sierra I hope the results are good!!! I Love the pictures of you all, it brightens my day to see those big smiles-
    And by the way Batman is no match for Gage! Love you ALL- Aunt G

  5. More prayers are lifted up for Sierra's and may her tests and treatments go well...and perhaps a ZERO dance celebration this time for her! I will also be praying that she will not have any setbacks of headaches. Prayers will always continue to be lifted up for Lindsey and for her donor family daily. Love seeing the pictures of the great smiles! I especially love seeing your pictures of Stacy covering up the chin hairs....looks like on the last one she is about to give it a great big pull. Stacy hope your appointment goes well and look forward to hearing how things go.
    Take care, hugs, loves, and prayers to all--xoxoxoxo
    Many prayers lifted up for Tristen and hope her surgery and recovery goes well. Hang in there Kade and Stephanie.

  6. Love the pictures. Sierra, I hope you got a little rest today after your long day yesterday. I worked at school this week and the medication box still has a big S on it for Sierra so I think of you everytime anyone gets medication. It was very cold here last night, 21 at our house this morning. Love to all. -Kay
