Thursday, October 4, 2012

Oct 4, Sierra's biopsy results

11:30 pm.
Another great day for Lindsey. She went to school, PT, had fun with her nurse, and ate reasonably well.  Tristen's surgery went good.  They had to do a bit more than anticipated, but was able to get it all done.

We took their 2 year old Wyatt this morning so they could focus on Tristen.  When I took him, or rather pried him from is Daddy, he was screaming like it was the end of the world. After about 15 seconds of uncontrollable screaming just outside the hospital doors, (and it was uncontrollable) he calmly looked at me mid-breath and asked, "What is your name?" I said, "I am Hunter and Gage's Daddy". "Oh, I am Wyatt, Can I play with Gage?" I said, "Sure!" And that was it. It was so funny to see a kid in the middle of screaming and throwing a complete F-I-T to just stop at the drop of a hat.   

We didn't get the call from Nancy regarding Sierra's biopsy results until about 2:30pm.  By then we had prepared ourselves for the bad news.  Probably need more heavy duty meds, hospitalization, IV's, steroids, testing, etc.  I had really dug a hole for myself. Threw myself into this hole. Covered myself with dirt up to my nostrils in anticipation of this horrible rejection Sierra was going to have. All the indications were there that she had rip roaring rejection, with the elevated heart pressures, puffiness, low blood count, and 1B rejection. How could we go on one more day? Am I ever going to shave this dang chin hair??  The problems are just too much..... 

Sierra got a zero. Make a few minor med adjustments and see her in 3 months.  Yes, that is great news.  Lets do the zero dance!   We (I) just need to have more faith, a little hope, and a bit of pixie dust.  Thank for the prayers and support. Who knows, maybe, just maybe, the Lord does hear and answer our prayers.  I sure believe he does.

 2 ICU heart doctors, Ashwin and Zebrack, came up to show Lindsey a cute U-Tube video.


  1. Whew-Hew!!! Another miracle to be thankful for! I just love to kneel in prayer and thank Heavenly Father for such wonderful blessings. Those Bingham children are the toughest little fighters I know!
    How about videoing the zero dance and posting it? Who knows, we may all join in. ha ha We love you and are so proud of each one of you. Thank you for your example of how to live and love. WAY TO GO SIERRA!
    Lots of love and prayers from Korea

  2. We love the zero dance- and we love the little miracles that happen daily! Way to be tough girls, we're so proud of you for hanging in there! Now Jas you sound somewhat of a drama queen but you paint a good picture of the backhoe size hole you dug and put yourself in :) We are thankful for the good news! Love Aunt G and Uncle Seth

  3. Yes, He always hears BUT we don't always see the answer :) You have lots of faith and you are human!
    So, so, so happy for the Zero Dance, yeah!
    The Wyatt story is funny. Kids can be so amusing with their emotions, off and on so quickly! One just never knows, lol!
    Have a great weekend with happy news! God bless you all! M.

  4. What a blessed day yesterday was for all. So excited to do the zero dance!! What a great feeling for Seirra knowing she is back on track! Jason our Heavenly Father has his loving hands wrapped around you and will not let you fall into that dark hole...keep your faith, hope, and continue to believe...miracles happen to those who believe!! Hang in there guys...we are here to cheer you all on and provide sincere prayers to keep your family safe and healthy. Loves, hugs, and many prayers--xoxoxoxo

  5. Yay!! Zero dancing right along with you!! If the girls remember kindergarten, they would tell you they need lifesavers or some other zero shaped food for Zero the Hero day!
    Your story about the little screamer needing to know who you were reminded me of what happened at school yesterday: two little boys were playing and just having the best time together. Finally, one says," I'm Zachary, by the way. Who are you?" it cracked me up that after six weeks of school they were just getting around to introductions!
    Thanks again for always sharing your very human feelings as you travel this journey. I heard some tv celebrity talking about faith and he said, "pray, or worry, but don't do both. Otherwise you're not showing much faith in your Creator." Wise words, but easier said than done!
    prayers and hugs- Mrs. T.

  6. YEA!! for a zero. YEA!! for Lindsey having a good day.

    You are awesome to watch other children so their parents can take care of the ill ones.

    You two our my HERO'S

  7. That's great new about Sierra! So glad she is doing well. I'm sure there are days when you and Stacy feel like throwing a Wyatt-level meltdown. I admire you both for how you are dealing with all of this.


  8. So glad to hear Sierra's news, zero is a wonderful number. I loved the Wyatt story. Hope tomorrow is another good day for Lindsey, and here's to pixie dust. Love you all, Kay

  9. YAY for zero! I dreamt about Lindsey Lou last night. She was as spunky as ever in my dream. Sure miss her smiling face in our classroom. Perhaps we can skype again soon. Maybe Wednesday or Thursday?
