Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Oct 2, Tuesday, Great News regarding antibodies!

No this is not thee news, sorry. But we really did have some GREAT news reported to us today in Lindsey's behalf.  For the last 94 days Lindsey has had high levels of antibodies in her blood stream, this high level has greatly reduced the number of possible donors.  Dr. Bernstein had told us only about 20% of possible donors who would otherwise qualify could be considered for Lindsey, because of the antibodies. This high level of antibodies is the reason that they want to keep Lindsey from having blood transfusions. A blood transfusion gives you all the antibodies that that person has in their blood to Lindsey, making that number of antibodies even higher.  Before her Berlin surgery, Lindsey's antibody number was 0. Meaning that there were no restrictions of hearts she could receive, if it was the right size and blood type.  After her surgery, her number measured as high as the scale could go.

Today they confirmed that her antibody level has returned to ZERO! They have no answer as to why that is. But this means that there are again no restrictions relating to the antibodies and she can receive any heart that is the right size and blood type.

She continues to be a trooper about eating and drinking. Unfortunately, she was a little dry last night and did have a few runs of v-tach (grrr). The doctors weren't concerned, knowing it was probably related to being a little dry.  She had a great day and ran into her little 9 month old Berlin buddy Chloe out for a ride in her wagon. So, Lindsey went for a walk with her. It was pretty cute. They took up the whole hallway with their 2 Berlins.


  1. Wow that is great news! Praying for a donor like right now. I want to thank you again for showing me and so many others how to face adversity with strength and courage. I am inspired by you Jason and Stacy..... I know you both must be exhausted (which is probably an understatement). But somehow you keep it together and keep on keeping on. Thank you for your example. And Lindsey you inspire me with your INCREDIBLE strength! Your strength could move mountains! You too must be tired of all of this but somehow you do it day after day. The whole gang is on my mind every minute of every day. Please know we love you and pray always for your needs.

    Love, Rachelle

  2. WAHOOOO!! That is great news! Another miracle hand delivered to the Bingham family to let you know you are not alone and that Heavenly Father does hear and answer your prayers.

    I agree with Rachelle, you are one amazing family full of hope, love and great faith. We love you and continue to pray for the three requested blessings. We believe in miracles!

    Many love and prayers from Korea!

  3. Praying from La Grande OR. God is so big in all of this! All the praise goes to Him. We will keep praying for you and your family. Much love and even more prayers.

  4. Yay! We continue to pray for all of you. You are a strong family.

    ~Andrea Boyer Eliason

  5. That's super exciting news! Yay!

  6. Yippee! Small steps, small steps.....Thank you Lord for answering prayers! Have a great day! M.

  7. How wonderful!! I'm so inspired by your example & fortitude. As a nurse I understand all the jargin & know how scary so much of this must be. Your family continues to be in our prayers. My MIL (Judy) keeps me updated on the community efforts & we frequently find our conversation leading to your family & your struggles. Again you have been a blessed example to me & I want you to know you are blessing others by sharing your struggles. May the Lord continue to bless you all.

    April Whitley

  8. Wow! That is awesome news alright! maybe th time for a donor is coming soon. Sounds as if the door has been opened to allow for greater possibility! Love and prayers for you all! Love Teacher Karen

  9. That news is screaming "Zero Dance" celebrations!! Yay Lindsey! POWER OF PRAYERS....hears to a day of not being "dry" and for more blessings and prayers to continue. loves, hugs, and prayers--xoxoxoxo

  10. Jason, Stacy and family - for this and all of the little miracles that have occured along the way, we give thanks!

    This journey you are on is a long one, you have shown us all how to hang on to faith through extreme adversity and provided examples of prayers answered.

    Thank you for sharing your journey with us all and reminding us to reach out in faith!

    Hugs to all....

    Julie and kids

  11. Jason and Stacy, What a blessing that is for you and Lindsey. I am overwhelmed this morning with the miracles that can happen when we have faith. Bob and I pray for you daily and our children always remember Lindsey in our dinner prayers. We love you and miss your family. Thanks for the updates. I needed that good news today. Somedays, it is hard to deal with our trials but, you always humble me with your strength and faith. Thank you for your example.
    Eva and Bob Vaughan

  12. That is awesome news. Heavenly Father is watching out for her. I am so excited for your family.

  13. Fantastic News.....now we continue to pray and keep on keeping on!!! Go Lindsey!!

  14. FANTASTIC news!!!

    And happy birthday, Gage!

  15. Dale and Mike OlsenOctober 3, 2012 at 4:55 PM

    Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!That is the best news we've heard in a long time. we are thrilled and sooooooooo thankful. Prayers continuing to stream from us to you

  16. Fabulous news! It makes me feel that, one step at a time, Lindsey is being prepared to receive her new heart.

  17. Hope you all survived your busy, busy, busy Wednesday! We had open house tonight....always a crazy evening, but yet enjoyable. I've been so excited and happy all day knowing Linsdey's great news! Thinking and praying that Sierra's body will handle her treatment better this round....praying for NO headaches!!! Have a peaceful night. Loves, hugs, and many prayers--xoxoxoxo
    by the way how did Gage's bday go?
