Monday, October 1, 2012

Oct 1, Monday, Gage's #4

Today is Gage's birthday. We practiced all morning holding up 4 fingers and by the time we arrived at the hospital, he had it down pretty good.  Sierra was a little too sore to ride her bike, so I drove her and Megan to school.

 Megan had a fun and competitive game after school. They played Terman and actually lost. The coach started the game with his 6 top players (one happened to be Megan). They played the whole first game and won that game. He then put in his 2nd string girls and they lost pretty bad. So, for the third game he put back in his starters and they lost by 5. It was a fun game to watch!

Lindsey continues to do well. The only change they had was to increase one of her meds for clotting. Her VAD has been clean of any clots for many days and is filling and emptying really well. In PT they talked about figuring out a way that she could do a head stand, because she is really good at it! That will be interesting. I am sleeping with her here tonight while grandma stays with the other kids at RMH.

I was talking with our other Berlin friends and it was weird, we were planning out the next few holidays and how to celebrate them together in the Sobrato room (ie. Halloween party, Thanksgiving, etc.).It just 'feels' like it is going to be awhile. I may be wrong. It would be wonderful to be back home by Christmas.

Jason returns tomorrow evening. We will all be glad when he gets back! We need him back for our CRAZY Wednesday. It is great to have my mom here, she has been a great help.  It is going to take all 3 of us for Wednesday. We have our regular school and day activities along with Sierra's biopsy and 12 hour IVIG infusion, a doctors appointment and a volleyball game.  That is all for now, all-in-all, we are doing great and really have nothing to complain about. There are people much worse off than us. We are in optimal position for transplant and surgery. So, we will enjoy going through this experience together as a family. We will value how close it brings us together and the growth it offers us. We are truly blessed!

Birthday breakfast in the RMH
Birthday dinner in the Sobrato Room


  1. As always, you leave me humbled and grateful! Any grumble I have is nothing in comparison. You are such an amazing family and such an inspiration.
    Happy Birthday to Gage!

  2. Happy birthday Gage! Hope you have a really fun day.
    We love you guys and hope for a smooth day tomorrow.

  3. Love, love, love your attitude! Such an inspiration! Thank you. Good luck with your busy Wednesday, thank heavens for grandmas, too!
    We'll keep the prayers going/coming :) Dear Lord we ask for your goodness towards this family and their needs! M.

  4. Stacy,
    Thanks for being patient with this deerhunt tradition. Having Jason and the girls at camp was so nice and fun.
    I am looking forward to a picture of the headstand (along with you and the Docs and nurses that Lindsey talks into doing it as well).
    Good luck with your big day tomorrow.
    Josh and Tara

  5. I love reading about your darling family. You guys always have such a positive attitude in difficult times and I really admire that! Hoping that heart comes soon!
    - Daisha (friend of Justin and Emily)

  6. Your ability to stay so strong and positive through all this is truly inspiring! Here's to hoping for a white Christmas back in North Powder!

  7. Here's to hoping Jason's travels went smooth today! Perhaps a celebration for his return and for Gage's 4th in the Sabroto room this evening? :) Jason and Stacy you are both a true blessing for reminding and teaching the world about FAITH and THANKFULNESS! Our Incredible Bingham Clan are true inspirations and are true blessings. Here's to a peaceful night together again! Loves, hugs, and many prayers--xoxoxoxo
    p.s. We second that motion for the Bingham Seven to have a white Christmas at home in Powder!!!
