Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sept 30, Sunday, Fun on the Deer Hunt

7:30 pm. Stacy here
Lindsey has had a great couple of days. She is eating and drinking enough that they are cutting her feeds in half. They will run the feeds for 5 hours at night and watch her weight for the next few days. If she continues to gain weight, then they will stop them all together. She had a run of PVC's in a row, but no v-tach. She is acting great and wanting to only play cards most of the day. She has taught most of the nurses how to play Nertz or Wacky 6.  Today the supervisor opened the physical therapy kitchen and allowed us to go down and make cookies and use the oven.  It was fun and Lindsey really enjoyed it!

Jason, Sierra, and Megan had a great time at deer camp. Jason got a little shooting in, but didn't kill anything.  That's okay, they just go for the fun anyway. (He is actually grateful he didn't hit it so he wouldn't have to pack it out).  Sierra was riding on the rope swing and it broke while she was in mid air. She landed square on her tail bone end and it is really sore.  This morning, Megan was riding on a horse bare back and another horse started kicking the horse Megan was on. Unfortunately, Megan received one of the kicks square in her arm and she went flying.  Luckily, neither of them have any broken bones, just some good bruises and good stories to tell.  Justin (Jason's brother) did get a deer in goat basin so he was camp king. There are always fun stories to tell after deer camp, no matter what the outcome is. Lindsey was sure missed!

Sierra and Megan will be back to Cali tonight and Jason will return on Tuesday. Unless we give him a reason to come back earlier.  Thank you Josh for seeing the girls to the airport! We really appreciate it.

 Coming up with a Plan
 Kalli, Landon, and Roper into the Blackberries. They were good!

Lindsey as always with us.
 Lindsey going for dip
 Coming out of the canyon and we are pooped!

 The cousins with Lindsey in the middle
 Beebee gun shooting.  Kids love to shoot cans
Taken it easy in camp with Jake, Justin, Nick, Josh, Grandpa and Lindsey.
That's the kids outhouse in the far left.  It was to small for the big boys, we had to make our own.


  1. Well those are some great stories to be told and thank goodness for no broken bones!! What no horns...the wolves must have gotten to them before they did! Sounds like they all had fun and I look forward to hearing some of the funny stories tomorrow from Roper. Lindsey Lou what kind of delicious cookies did you get to make? I bet that was a nice treat and a good change of pace. The cookies should help with trying to maintain weight, right?!?!! Did Grandma make it yet? While she is there you will have to have one big birthday celebration to celebrate Megan's, Sierra's, Hunter's, and Gage's, too!! Then she will be able to get caught up on all the birthday bashes! :)
    Thinking and praying for more blessings. Loves, hugs, and many prayers---xoxoxoxo
    P.S. by the way ever time I hear this one song I think about Lindsey trying to get logan to sing with her...."oh, the way that he flips his hair makes me overwhelmed" (or something to that effect!!) I laugh everytime it comes on and it comes on a lot these days!! Thanks for that fun memory Lindsey! Missing you...think I will have to try and reschedule another visit!

  2. Wow Lindsey... We are so proud of you eating more... I sure wish I could give you a few of my extra pounds!

    The family deer hunting tradition is so great. Congratulations Justin! Megan and Sierra, goodness, do you have to go to California to be safe?

    We love you and miss you! Judy and Phil


  3. what an eventful hunt. Sierra and Megan, do you think those California kids will even believe what you did over the week-end? Good job Lindsey, keep adding those pounds, and cookies always help what ails ya. Love, K

  4. Yeah for cookies! I am glad Lindsey is sassy and EATING. Life is good. Nick loved having Jason at camp. Jason has a way of being himself and making everyone laugh without trying to. I'll bet you are missing him and I hope you give him a reason to hurry back! We miss you all!

  5. Oh my word, I LOVE all the pics of Lindsey at "Deer Camp!!" What a great idea and I know she was on all of your minds every moment. I hope she enjoyed the thought! :) So clever and cute!!! Nice work Bingham Deer Campers! loves, hugs, and prayers for a peaceful night and am praying for Jason's safe travels tomorrow. xoxoxoxo
