Friday, September 28, 2012

Sept 28, Day 101, Nothing Yet

Stacy here.
Well apparently Day 101 was not THEE day.  Lindsey is still doing awesome! She ate well today, even more than yesterday.  The doctors are going to slowly try and wean her from her feeds. They have a calculation that they do to subtract whatever fluid she drinks from the feeds they run at night.  So far, she has gone from having the feeds 18 hours to now running 10 hours. This is all great news. She is maintaining her weight, if not gaining.  She is in ideal position physically for a transplant. However, she did have a small run of fast beats. Technically they couldn't call it v-tach but it was on the boarder. So I am sure they will be watching her closely. The episode she had did not affect her in any way or the Berlin filling.

Jason, Sierra and Megan left today for the "Big" Oregon deer hunt. They made it to home fine. I sure hope they have a good time. I sure miss being home to have our "wives home with the kids that are too young night." This is probably the only time I hope the heart doesn't come. Jason will be out of service and unable to reach.  I am willing to have her get her heart without him though. All I can say is he better get the largest buck to have ever been pulled out of Imnaha!

Gage, Hunter, Lindsey and I get to hang out all day tomorrow. We have big plans, long walks, the play room and a movie night. It will be fun! My mom comes on Sunday, as well as the girls. Tonight we celebrated Wyatt's birthday in the Sobrato room. Another great party with "all the gang." Lots of fun and lots of noise! Good times. Happy #3 Wyatt! Thank you for coming to the hospital to celebrate it so Lindsey could be there.


  1. Stacy...have been thinking about you all day and praying everything goes well while Jason and the kids are sorry you have to miss the wives yearly get together, though I know you don't mind because you are doing the greatest job any mom could be doing right now! While you are hoping Jason has a great time and gets a big buck, all of us will be praying for safety for Miss Lindsey and the rest of you there. I'm certain Jason and the crew at hunting camp will have you guys on their hearts continuously! Enjoy your time with your mom, it will be a special time foe you guys. Thanks for being such an inspiration to all the rest of us and challenging us to be better, kinder, stronger and more patient!

  2. Well we will still continue to pray for Linsdey and donor families; however, we will also add for Jason to kill the largest buck ever in the Imnaha unit and will add for it to happen opening morning!! Go Jason, GO....NO pressure now, right?!!? :) Can't wait to hear a few stories from Roper. Praying for the camping to be enjoyable, but I know Jason won't be able to completely relax knowing he will be out of cell service for most of it. Make the best it! Stacy I think the wives should plan a skype session, so you and kiddos can share some of the special mom and kiddo night memories, too! Thinking and praying for this weekend to be filled with many blessings--xoxoxoxo

  3. Hey guys! Keep it up. This is a very long challenge for you but you are doing amazing! I am glad that they still got to go on the deer hunt. Those are some of my fondest memories with my family growing up. Enjoy your movie night and know that we are praying for you and thinking of you all the time! The Taylors

  4. We especially miss you guys during this time, it's just not the same without you, but it sounds like you have your own fun planned, thats great!! So I have a joke for you Lindsey. Em

    Q-What do "A" and "C" look for at the beach????

    A- a "C" gull

    ha ha

  5. Still praying!!! Your family is an inspiration!
