Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sept 27, DAY 100 & Doing the Roger Rabbit

No official party for Day 100.  But you do get a sense that we may have reached a sort of 'Right of Passage' so to speak. Maybe, just maybe, we have done out time and we are getting close.   Who knows, it's just a feeling.

 Kids all went to school. Lindsey continuing to stay strong. I got some work done. Still no V-tach. Eating together as family in the Sabroto Room. All good stuff. They have adjusted her feeds to encourage her to eat more. She ate a bit today, but still not enough without the feeding tube. Still getting poked at least 2 times a day, mostly for anti-clot medicine. She is pretty tough.

On her walks she likes to take her ipod with her to play music.  Tonight Lindsey was listening to the '90s music Ace of Base and the nurse, Riza, taught her the 'Roger Rabbit' and 'The Running Man'.  They were having a good time.  I will have to get a video clip of it. 

Megan, Sierra and I are leaving early in the morning to catch a plane home.  This weekend is the annual deer hunt, a family tradition that goes back to my early childhood. We have gone to this same place since 1981. We all feel horrible that Lindsey can't go, but she understands and this will be good for Sierra and Megan to be involved in a deep family tradition.  We are going to take lots of pictures and video for our Princess and call her as often as we can.  Stacy isn't crazy about it, but will have help from ladies in the ward and her mom will be flying in.

Speaking of traditions, Stacy is already planning her Halloween party in October.  We are going to go all out to make this as fun as possible.  Some of Lindsey's favorite nurses are coming up with good ideas.

With our luck, we will get the 'call' this weekend.  What a great problem to have! 

Judy, Lindsey rotates that soft pink blanket with 3 other blankets.  We have to steel that thing away to wash it every so often.  Sometimes her feed tube leaks out over the blanket.

Thanks again for your comments and letting us know who you are. They are a strength to us.


  1. It does seem that 100 days must mean a phone call is imminent. We still pray for Lindsey everyday! We are inspired by her strength and bravery. Your blog reminds me everyday to be grateful for my normal life and to enjoy each moment with my kids--thanks!!

  2. Lindsey IS tough, no doubt there!
    Good luck hunting this weekend. We'll be out too so we'll be hoping for your success and fun!
    What a good dilemma to have if you were to get 'the' call while you are gone!!! Hope the trip home will be good therapy as well!
    God's blessing to you as always. May the good Lord watch over you and keep all safe! M.

  3. It is amazing to think the number of lives Lindsey and your whole family have touched and what she has taught us. Your day has to be coming real soon, for that I pray today and always. Special prayers for Jason and Stacy that you continue to stay strong, you both are incredible. God bless the Bingham family. Love the Hamann's

  4. Jason & Stacy,
    100 days is a milestone. So happy to hear that Lindsey is so strong and that the hunting trip is going to happen. Traditions are wonderful things. Have a great time.

    Hope the call comes soon. We could all learn a lesson in patience and resilience from you.

    Take care and please say "hi" to the kids for me.

  5. Lindsey You Go Girl! The "Roger Rabbit" is about the only dance move I can do well. All other dance moves it just looks like I have a twitch that needs some serious medical attention. Keep staying positive! Dream Big girl! We miss you! Do you have any costume ideas for Seth & I for Halloween? LOVE Aunt Garrity

  6. What a journey! I am in awe of the strength of your family. You all continue to be in our prayers and thoughts. We are coming back to LPCH this next weekend (General Conference) we'll be looking for you!

    James & Rachelle Wilhelmsen (and Jayce!!)

  7. I think hitting Day 100 feels special....I pray that some more peace will come knowing that this milestone has been met and with Lindsey doing so well that this will mean the call and time for that special and perfect heart is getting closer. Keep rockin' out Lindsey and we can't wait to see the video. I love how you have became a special part of the nurses and doctors hearts and how they are always willing to jump in and participate in all the fun things, like, cards, dancing, and pushups!!! What amazing medical staff you are surrounded by! Good luck hunting this weekend Jason and family and I know the girls will truly enjoy some family time at the BIG "DEER CAMP!" Stacy hang in there I know this weekend will be long for you not having Jason right there, but know that he's a phone call away (providing that they are at the top of the mountains!!). I am so thankful that your mom will be there to help out. What a blessing that is. I will pray that the weekend for Lindsey goes well and she will enjoy her grandma time that she won't miss a beat on missing out on deer camp....however the only other better thing that can come of the weekend is that Jason would have to call up the Allen's and ask for an emergency flight back to California because Lindsey's donor family has made the tough decisions of giving life! That would all be a big blessing and true miracle, continue believing!!! And of course it would be the BEST deer camp story EVER!!! (sorry horns could ever top that!!!) :) loves, hugs, and prayers for many more blessings to come---xoxoxoxo

  8. Thinking of you all...especially LINDSEY LOU and continuing to pray for "the call." We all can take a lesson from each one of you in courage, strength, resilience, and that all important virtue...patience! keep dancing girl...we're all dancing with you from afar!
