Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sept 18, Blood nurses and the Nixon party

10:40 pm.
Dr. Yeh came up from the ICU to make some adjustments to her Berlin Pump.  They adjusted some of the pressure settings to see if that will help with the pump alarms.  He said they have the pump alarm with other kids but nothing like what Lindsey's pump is doing.  Last night it went off for about a hour.  Thank goodness for the ear plugs!  They are going to go through with the cat scan to get a good look at her heart and the canula sites.  Hopefully they will not have to do surgery to fix the problem, but they are watching the continued pvc's, pump alarms and frequent lack of filling on the VAD.  Still haven't had the dangerous V-tach (a group of pvc's with a highly increased heart rate). That is what is going on on the inside.  On the outside our Princess continues to do very well.  School, PT, a little eating, walks, good attitude, etc.

This morning I was pretty fired up.  The 'blood nurses' came by to draw her blood.  Lindsey was a Rock Star and didn't flinch, just sat there and watched them poke her already bruised arms looking for a vein.  When they were 'done' they forgot they needed more blood, so they had to poke her again. Stacy said it was a good time for me to go back to the RMH and get some work done.  I was pretty ticked off!  If she is going to sit there and take the pokes they better know what they are poking her for!  There... I got it off my chest.

Nixon elementary had a picnic this evening.  Stacy and Sierra stayed with Lindsey and I took the boys and Megan. Good for them to blow off steam.  The Nixon PTA hired a professional DJ to play music and party it up with the kids.  I have never seen that for an elementary school.  The kids sure had a good time.

Sierra has an echo and clinic appointment tomorrow.  They have increased her rejection meds and she is showing more puffiness in her face and tummy.  Hopefully this is pushing back the 1B rejection.

Gage's appointment was fine today.  They just listened to him and turned up the beta blocker medicine.

Sorry, no crazy cooler stories today (that cooler was pretty disgusting)


  1. I sure don't blame you one bit for being irritated with the blood draws, get it all the first time!!!
    Had to laugh at the cooler story! What happened to the bottles you always see filled??? And just going by the car? Guess in Calif they are more sophisticated, lol!
    Sounds like busy times for the Binghams. PV school will need to step up their activities to keep up, lol!
    Love the pics that you post :) thank you! Here's to a good day! Prayers for all! M.

  2. Jason I think I would be happy to have you in my corner at any time of distress. How crazy that they hired a DJ for the elemntary, glad the kids had a fun day. Thinking of you all and love y ou all
    Emily and Lyndi

  3. Yes, Lindsey is quite the trooper when it comes to all the needles and blood draws, but getting it all at once sure would be nice. I was very impressed at how she could just watch and at times help out with the process! Maybe the next future nurse for the family!
    Hope today went well for Sierra and her tests. I am sure she was a trooper through her tests, too.
    Love the pictures of the monkey boys climbing and hanging. I am sure it was hard to pull them away from the fun equipment....where's the pictures of Megan dancing away?!
    Thinking about you daily and praying that the Heavenly Father will continue to guide the Doctors and Nurses, protect Lindsey, and continue to bless families that are faced with the decisions of organ donation. May the Lord give each of them peace and comfort through the process.
    loves, hugs, and prayers for each of you--xoxoxoxo

  4. We think you are all tough cookies! Good job on the blood draw Lindsey! Love You ALL! Uncle Seth & Aunt G
