Monday, September 17, 2012

Sept 17, The Styrofoam Cooler

10:30 pm
Lindsey is still doing great. At 9:30 tonight she wanted to go on a walk so she is feeling pretty good.  She went to both sessions of school, ate okay, and had her Monday x-ray, blood draw, and EKG.  Still has a few runs of PVC's and on occasion her VAD doesn't fill all the way, but nothing to serious.  They did an echo yesterday and noticed a partial build up of something around the canula, or the hose that is inserted into her heart.  Dr. Rosenthal thinks it may be some scar tissue build up.  Really nothing that needs to be done, but that would definitely explain the weird hearts rates and VAD issues.  They are going to review old echos and compare the canula sites, then they may do a cat scan to really look close at it.  He doesn't think it is a blood clot.  Other than that, they have been adjusting meds as needed. 

There are now 4 kids on the Berlin heart right now.  The others are much younger and have tough roads to go down.

I am staying the night here with her and she is pretty excited about that.  I have been sneaking out late after she went to sleep and going to the RMH.  I have paid a heavy price for this sin with a lovely phone call from our precious princess at around 2:30 am wondering where I am at.  Gage then comes in and wants me out of 'his' spot, which is next to his Mommy.

Sierra did good on her 1st math test and made the Jazz band.  She was needing some good vibes.

Went to Megan's volleyball 'Parent Night', met the coach, and received the schedule.  The season has 10 games and will go until October 24.  First game is Thursday against JL Middle School. She is still pretty excited about that.

The RMH received some tickets to the SF 49ers game, so what the heck.  I took Hunter, Sierra, Megan and Chloe's dad John. We had never been to an NFL game and the tickets and parking were all free.  Not sure I have ever seen that much alcohol consumption before.  When we finally found a parking spot for our big red suburban, which was no easy task, Hunter had to 'go' really bad right now!  We had a long walk ahead of us so we were looking for options.  Behind our suburban was a white Styrofoam cooler 2/3 full of urine.  Sierra and Megan were grossed out!  I told Hunter, "Okay Hunter, here you go, it's either in the cooler or you can wet your pants".  And that is how our NFL experience began.  We saw some one get arrested and all kinds of drunk people.  It was quite an eye opener. We had a good time watching the game and had an experience we will never forget.

Sierra and Gage have follow up appointments for their hearts this week then possible med adjustments.


A Picture near the 'Hide Out'.


  1. Hilarious Jason! I am glad Linds is doing well and that Hunter made it to the cooler. I was laughing out loud reading this but thought maybe there was more alcohol consumption at the AC/DC or Van Halen concerts? Glad it was a good weekend for you guys.

  2. Wow! A 49'rs game!!! I'll bet I grew up with a few of those drunken fools. The cooler is disgusting. I need a new 'image' in my head... but I guess it saved the day, eh? Love the cute photos of Lindsey! Congrats to Sierra and Meagan on their new adventures!

  3. Oh man! When I saw the title, " styrofoam cooler" I got all excited thinking a heart was on it's way! NOT A BUCKET OF PEE! You rally know how to build the suspense as a writer.
    From what I hear, 49ers fans are a wild bunch of hooligans, so you REALLY went to an eye opening game!
    Take care, and always keep a cooler handy!

  4. I had to laugh when I read your entry. Not that any of that stuff is funny, just reminded me of some of the experiences my kids had when they were little and they were traveling quite a bit with their dad and I all over the world to different countries, cities, etc. They always acted like "they just came out of the country" even though they had all of these worldly experiences...many which weren't all that positive. I so much appreciate where we live and that our kids continue to be shocked and amazed by what they see!! Grateful for your kids that they have such a solid set of parents, and can still enjoy the game amid all the styrofoam coolers and inebriated people. For our kids, watching the people was probably more interesting that seeing the sites we were visiting!!

  5. Glad to hear you're having some pretty good days all things considered! I'm so happy for Sierra. Nice job on the math test (I'm glad you got your brain to settle down so that you could take care of the rest!)and congrats on jazz band! I can't wait to hear about Megan's volleyball games also! 49ers game sounds like a great adventure--glad you got that experience! :)

    Hugs and prayers your way!

    The Fritz's

  6. what a fun weekend, it sounds like fun. As I was looking at this post Lyndi said "I talk to her, I talk to her." "push it Mommy, push it." So... Lyndi really loves the videos and I had to find an older video before she completely got worked into a fit. So... whenever you want to post videos, we love it!!! Em and Lyndi today ;-)

  7. Congratulations Sierra on making the Jazz band team! And, good luck Megan with your first volleyball game. How fun to go to an NFL game. Lindsey, your pictures are so cute on this blog. They make me want to give you a great big hug. 'Can't wait to see you all again. Love ya so much!!

  8. You guys just crack me up! What experiences you're having! I'm so proud of you Sierra for your Math test and the band too. Say, these country hicks can do just fine in the big city! You go Megan, just show them how tough and talented a sweet girl from the country can be! A cooler? Really? Some poor soul will have to clean that up! Hope some desperate drunk doesn't think it's draft beer. Lindsey, you keep up the good work.. eat an extra bite or two for us. Love, Phil and Judy

  9. I've been laughing since lastnight and the story made my low moments today pick me up again! What an educational and cultural experience....most kiddos don't get those kinds of experiences until they race off to college! Kind of nice that good old DAD was their to say..."BAD, BAD, BAD....DANGEROUS, DANGEROUS!!!" However, the story really made me laugh...and knowing that Hunter has to go everytime there isn't a bathroom handy is even better!
    Love the pictures. I wish you could get a snap of Miss Lindsey Lou rolling those beautiful eyes....missing that! Congrats to the girls....WAY TO GO!! Excited to hear more about Jazz Band and Volleyball. loves, hugs, and many prayers--xoxoxoxo

  10. Okay we will have to remember that cooler trick for our boys. You never know when its going to be panic time to pee with them. You are both awesome parents and I appreciate reading your posts. You continue to teach me every day. Thank you!

  11. Welcome to California. ;)
    The cooler sounded so disgusting!
    I'm glad things are going as well as can be.
    -Brittany (Willitts) Marrione

  12. Hey guys!
    So when I saw the title, "styrofoam cooler" my heart stopped because I thought you were referring to THE cooler, like the cooler they transport our kids' hearts in! then I was bummed that it was just a cooler full of pee (by the way, if peeing in a cooler at an NFL game is wrong...I don't wanna be right)
    But seriously, we will be back for biopsy first of NOV and I hope we will get to see Megan play volleyball & hang out with all the kids again...we had so much fun, could you make sure that Lindsey is on the mend from the transplant for me this time? K, thanks =)
    We love you, we miss you and we are just a phone call away or a text if you'd like to giggle about George's super powers....hugs & love from Alaska
