Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sept 19, CT Scan results

Sierra had a clinic appointment this morning. Some 'tune-up' items they are addressing.  The notes below is just our way of documenting where she is at. We are not trying to scare or overwhelm anyone.  And yes, I wish there were no 'tune-up' items to address, but this is the reality of it.
1) She has mild leaking in one of the heart valves, caused by 6 years of biopsy procedures.  Nothing can be done now, it's just something they need to watch.  It would have to get a lot worse before they would need to repair it surgically.  
2) Still has active anti-body rejection going on.  The IVIG treats against this rejection, but if it continues, they have the option of going to stronger IV treatments.
3)  She has slightly increased pressures in her heart.  In the past she has had increased pressures when she has had rejection.
4)  The puffiness in her face is still attributable to the predisone she takes to fight the rejection.
5)  Confirmed her coronary arteries look good.  Meaning the arteries have improved from last year and no significant signs of coronary artery disease exists. That is GREAT!
6)  In 2 weeks they will repeat the biopsy and see where her rejection level is at.
7)  Even with all this she has NO restrictions on physical activities (except football, Henry Shaw style ufc fighting, and hockey).  Her heart is beating 'normally'.

1:30 pm. Lindsey just had her CT scan done.  They are looking closely at where the canulas go into her heart. Hopefully this will give an explanation for the pvc's and pump alarms. I still have an yucky pit in my stomach and hope they can manage this without surgery.

With the med adjustments lately she has had to get daily blood draws.  Stacy and I have been here long enough to know what the blood draws are for and we are lobbying very hard to limit the blood draws.  Before the next draw I want the doctor himself to come in and explain why. Her poor arms are heavily bruised and it took 5 pokes to find a vein for one blood test.   If the daily draws continue they will probably need to do a picc line, as much as we don't want it (because of the risk of infection and fevers).

9:00 pm.  Lobbying paid off. No blood draws until friday. Lindsey appreciated that.  Dr. Yeh came in and reviewed the results of the CT scan. The CT scan shows nothing wrong with the canulas, the Berlin pump is operating perfectly inside her heart.  That is good news in one aspect, they do not need to repair the canulas surgically.  However, this does narrow down the cause of the pvc's and pump alarms. The right side of her heart (RV) is continuing to fail.  Remember the right side is not supported by the Berlin.  As the RV (right ventricle) continues to weaken and enlarge, it pushes over into the left side causing the VAD to not fill properly, the pvc's, and the pump alarms. So tonight for the first time since before the Berlin was put in they started enalipril, an oral heart failure medicine.  This is the same med Gage is on.  They want to treat the RV failure with everything they can, the very last resort would be a 2nd Berlin. 

So for now we carry on. Stacy starts volunteering at Hunters school tomorrow for 1 hour. Hunter is very excited. Nothing changes for Lindsey, school, walks, eating, play room, PT, and meds. Stacy and I continue with work, kids, sports, volleyball, homework, Dr appointments, and maybe a little deer camp.  We haven't forgotten our prayers. I still believe and have faith that God hears and answers our prayers.  We are truly blessed at this time to all be together with Lindsey in a great hospital.

Lindsey has been sitting here with me.  It's her turn to write.
 And I am still wating for a haert.Iam filling beter and I am TIRED OF GETING POKES Mrs.simth would like to skyp with me. Hi every everybody I miss you alote.I have a good techer. My favrite game is to play Plants VS ZOMBIE,S and I like my dad sleping here. Wish I could go to deer camp.  My dad said I nead to go to bed  Love you. Lindsey Lou.   

Beauty and the Beast on their way to the CT Scan


  1. Go Team Bingham! Cheering and praying for your whole family and few pokes. Lindsey - you are so dang cute!

  2. Lindsey, IT was great to hear from you. You are so lucky to have parents like yours to stand up for you. I am so glad your poor little arms can have a break. :) You guys need to ask Nick and Hil about their awesome field burn they did tonight. It was pretty impressive. We hope that and pray for you always. Love the Thompsons

  3. Hey Lindsey, Sierra and Gage!
    We are up here in La Grande, following your progress and remembering you in our prayers every night. We hope everything continues to go well for you!

  4. Lindsey I just want to tell you how proud I am of you for being such a tough and brave girl. I look forward to reading your updates every night. I have 7th and 8th grade students this year and a lot of them also follow your blog, they will love seeing your message tonight. Please give Sierra a hug for us, we miss her a lot. God bless you and your family. Love, Mrs. Hamann

  5. Wow. You guys are all such troopers! Anytime I think I'm having a rough day, your blog pits it all into perspective. I only had to deal with two full-blown kindergarten tantrums yesterday. They are tiring and frustrating, but nothing compared to a zillion arm pokes and scary doctor stuff! Linds, it was great to hear from you! You should write a little more often! :-). My husband has disappearing veins, and almost always has to have multiple pokes. One time, in the hospital, he got poked 12 times before they gave him relaxation medicine, and then someone from pediatrics came in with a baby needle and got blood out of is hand! You are one tough cookie - my husband would agree!!! We are all waiting for your family to come back to North Powder with healthy pounding hearts!! Love, Mrs T.

  6. I happily donate blood whenever we have blood drives. Next time someone says they don't donate because they don't like getting poked I will tell them about you Lindsey and how brave and strong you are! They need to 'Lindsey up'!
    So refreshing to hear you give thanks in your situation! Goes to show what faith and trust will do. Love your attitudes!
    Thank you, Lord for all the goodness in this family's life! GOD BLESS YOU ALL! M.

  7. Can't even begin to tell you how much your family has inspired me to look at life in a whole new way. Praying daily for all of you. Stay strong! God bless. PS your children are very lucky to have parents who have let them know just how much God Loves them!!

  8. I like the "Lindsey up" comment. I think I'm going to go "Lindsey up" and do a few hard tasks that I've been putting off. Thanks for the encouragement Lindsey!

  9. Keep on keepin' on, Lindsey, Sierra, and Gage! God is with you always. Thanks for being our inspiration.


  10. Loved reading Lindsey's post lastnight! Hope all went well today. Will continue pray for better outcomes on Sierra's test....the zero dance is calling! Hang in there guys....loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo

  11. P.s. Hope the beautiful Sierra had an awesome 13th BIRTHDAY!!! Hard to believe shes a TEEN! Can't wait to see some pictures....was Sprinkles part of the party?!?! Loves and hugs to you--xoxoxoxo

  12. Hi Lindsey Lou! We would love to skype with you. How about next week when your North Powder classmates are back at school? They have been asking when we can skype again. We all miss you! Let me know what time works best for you. We also have a few things to mail to you as well, so I will gather those things up and get them in the mail. School has been very busy and we are learning a lot. The bear that is holding your place at your desk listens very well, but doesn’t take part in the class discussions! I think she needs some guidance from you. Tell Sierra happy late birthday and Megan that I am proud of her for making the volleyball team! Hugs to your brothers and we can't wait to skype you soon!!! Hugs! Mrs. Smith
