Friday, August 24, 2012

Aug 24, Still yucky

Update before bed. Fever has been hanging around all day. Currently she has a fever of 101, and feeling nauseous.  She went on one small walk and to morning session of school, but has been down the rest of the day.  She has retained fluids, threw up, looks pale, and has diarrhea.  Dale, Leslie, and Dalley Jo should be here in about an hour to visit this weekend.

They have her on several meds including IV lasix.  Hopefully she will feel better as she pees off some of this extra fluid.  They have taken blood and stool samples to test for infection.

Stacy is staying with Lindsey tonight. Could be a long one.  Hopefully we will have a better report tomorrow.


  1. Prayers continuing for your family. A dose of grand parent time is just what Lindsey needs. We will hope for a better report tomorrow. God bless! The Hamann's

  2. Well bummer, I was really hoping that that fever was going to break and that the she would snap out of feeling so yucky. I'm sorry Lindsey Lou that you aren't feeling well, just remember you are fighting the battle stronger than most boys I know!!! I hope you get some good rest tonight so you'll be feeling better and be able to enjoy your awesome grandparents and cousin, which should be arriving soon. :) Praying for a good night's rest for all and that may tomorrow bring a bright new day with a much healthier Lindsey. Sweet dreams little one.....sending you all more loves, hugs, and prayers xoxoxoxo

  3. Sierra you go girl!!! 3 boys!! I think your Mom and Dad might need to send a body guard with you and Megan to school, just to keep those boys away!!! Lindsey Lou keep up the fight we love you all so much!!! Em and Justin

  4. Keep fighting Lindsey Lou, the sun always comes up tomorrow! We love you and continue to pray for you. Tonight we are praying that the Dr's will be guided to know what is causing the fever and how to fix it tomorrow. We believe in miracles! Love and prayers from Korea.

  5. More prayers for Lindsey Lou and hope the cause is found.
    So glad to hear Dally Jo and the Bigs are coming to visit! Where ever they go, Peace seems to follow.

    Sounds like a great opportunity to cash in on some hugs.

    ps... 35 degrees this morning! Having a pity party that Summer is waning.

  6. Sorry it was a rough night Lindsey. I'm sure you can't wait to see Grandma, Grandpa and Dally Jo. Hope seeing them helps you feel better. We have spent the week preparing for winter. Our grandsons helped us cut corn off the cob yesterday and we are canning tomoatoes today. I really do enjoy fall but I hate saying goodbye to summer. Enjoy your company. Love, Kay
