Saturday, August 25, 2012

Aug 25, Dallee Jo is here

6:40 pm.
No real good or bad news to share. Stacy stayed here last night. Long night, threw up a couple of times. Fever still here but is being controlled with Tylenol. Tummy still hurts but no more vomiting... yet. They are doing a bunch more test to try and figure out the problem, more blood, urine, and stool samples. 

Nice to have Dale, Leslie and Dalley Jo here.  They took the kids and went to Half Moon Bay and had a great time.  Stacy and I stayed here with the Princess.  Lindsey and I played Wacky 6 and Nerts and listened to music.  Lindsey has been quarantined to her room until they get a handle on her sickness.  She has been in good spirits most of the day, but we are all getting tired of the 'beeping' and this room.   Need to get her back on her walks.  Wish we knew more but don't.


  1. Sooo glad Grandma and Grandpa are there for a few days, to take the kids and help out. I pray Lindsey gets felling better soon and you two can get a good nights sleep...Still praying for you every minute...

  2. I hear you are getting well, so that is really good. From Ryan.
    Nice hair Aunt Stacy. It looks like you have a hangman hanging down. From Landon
    Your room is much bigger than your other one. I like it - From Kalli
    Nice mr. suave' look Jason -From Josh
    Michone is at a seminary dance but she would probably say she loves the matching heart shirts of the girls.
    I love the bright yellow pants Lindsey - From Ashley.
    Tara is crashed on the couch but I imagine she would say something like you all look wonderful and have a wonderful night!
    Sure love and miss you guys.
    Jason, the wheat field you helped me change pipe in is now just a bunch of stubble. Time marches on!

  3. sorry to hear she is still sick. I hope the Dr's find out what is going on so she feels better.

    Jason, you are hiding your chin..we want to see how long it is getting..LOL

  4. Love, love, love the pictures...thank you for sharing. Nice way of blocking the chin hair Jason, too :) ...pray for the day that you get to shave and celebrate the gift of Linsdey's new heart. We all look forward for that blessful day to come very soon. Until then Linsdey Lou we pray for you to get back to feeling better and for you to get back to walking!!! May the Heavenly Father grant you with strength and keep his loving arms wrapped tightly around you. Glad Dale and Leslie are there to provide some extra support.....they are so wonderful and loving. Loves, hugs, and prayers--xoxoxoxo

  5. Love you guys, love the pictures. Sleep well. -K
