Sunday, August 26, 2012

Aug 26, Sunday, Still stuck in the Room....

....and that is a good problem to have. 

Jason here.  I slept here last night.  She was up at 3 and 4, mostly needed to go potty. Her fever has backed off and she is feeling a lot better. That's all good.  Grandma stayed here with her while the rest of us went to church today.

When we got here after church she was feeling good and ready for a walk.  This is where I expressed my concerns.  She is still quarantined to her room until Infection Control releases her.  That really bugs me.  When we go for a walk she is masked with a N95 mask, she doesn't touch anything, and especially doesn't come in contact with anyone.  She hasn't had a fever for 1.5 days and they still won't let her out of the room for a simple walk.  The nurse and fellow on call have tried to plead our case, but the Infection Control Team doesn't come around until tomorrow.  In a very nice 'professional' way I would like to express my concerns and  get more information as to why our daughter can't ambulate (walk) when she finally feels like it.  I understand not going to the playroom, licking the toys, slobbering on the games, and other stuff, but a simple walk with a mask on? What's up with that? So it has been very unfun (if that is a word) to be stuck in the room especially when Dallee Jo, Grandma and Grandpa are here, but a good problem to have since she is feeling better.

I was proud of Dallee Jo and Sierra.  Grandpa and Grandma took the kids out to play and burn some energy, but Dallee Jo and Sierra volunteered to stay with Lindsey and keep her company. I was pretty proud of them.

All the frustration aside, I am grateful for Lindsey's health and how well she is doing and handling all this.  Thank you for your prayers, love and concern.  I still truly believe God hears our sincere prayers. I still pray for the same 3 items I started with several months ago; 1 - Lindsey's body will stay strong, 2- the Doctors will be inspired and use wisdom in the treatment of our daughter, and 3 - the donor family is being prepared to make the ultimate decision. God continues to answer these prayers and I am grateful for that.


  1. I love those glasses sassy Lindsey!! and hopefully they will let you out of your room soon!! I bet it was super fun having Dallee there to play with! I'm so happy she could make the trip! love you! em and justin

  2. My family is still praying those three things as well. We just finished family prayers and the last lil thing my baby Emma who is 5 said was "please make Lindsey Lou a perfect heart this week..".. I luv the glasses as well. She looks amazing and so beautiful!!

  3. So happy to hear Linsdey is feeling much better, perhaps grandpa, grandma, and Dallee visiting was the perfect kind of medicine she needed!! The downfall is being stuck in the room...can't they bring in a wii, balance beams, and/or treadmill to spice things up a bit (surely lysol and clorox wipes could kill the germs before entering the room)...just trying to think outside the box! :) Still genuinely praying for the important three prayers needed, but I must say my prayer list extends...and now I will add freedom from the room and/or for special deliveries!!! Loves, hugs, and prayers to each of you--xoxoxoxo Bets
    p.s. By the way I'm with Emily....loving the glasses, stinking cute and adorable as always :) :)


  4. Lindsey, I didn't know you wore glasses. You are beautiful! You are one lucky little girl to have the Mommy and Daddy you have. They sure have your back! I am glad you are feeling better, tomorrow will be a great walk. We also continue to pray for the same three things. Lots of love and prayers from Korea.

  5. Prayer works! Sending our love to your entire family! Dave and Kellie Knowles family

  6. So glad you're feeling better, Lindsey! I love that beautiful smile. I miss the hugs that used to come along with it at school. I hope you can leave your room today!! Praying right along with you, Jason and Stacy! By the way, I really like the picture of the two of you from 2 days ago--such a wonderful couple of parents you have there, Lindsey!! Miss you all!!
    The Fritz's

  7. Isn't 'red tape' fun! It does seem a little ironic with her masked :) glad to know she doesn't lick the toys, LOL on that one!
    I have company too! Logan is here to spend her week with us. She's still snoozing but will be getting up soon as we have lots of work to get done today. I'll let her send a note later :)
    Keep your chins up! We'll be praying for her 'release' from her room and more freedom...soon!
    God Bless! Prayers are with you for all your needs. M.

  8. She needs a stationary bike. That way she can at least get some exercise.

    I am glad she is feeling better.

  9. Lindsey Lou, you are ROCKING those glasses!!!! I love It, you look adorable. We continue to pray for you every day, every prayer. You hang in there, you are so BRAVE and so STRONG!!!! We love you.

  10. I am with all those others on the glasses--adorable! I had you all on my mind yesterday...I was home alone (I think a first) with our youngest daughter while my husband had our older two--and I got to really missing them. I was thinking about how often you are not all together at the same time and how hard that must be if it was that hard for me for one night and day...I am still praying for your family, for strength, wisdom, and the family who will step up. Keep trucking and we pray for some "freedom" soon!
    Jessie (Betsy's cousin)

  11. Hey Lindsey Lou its is school going? Have you watched the lorax? I have and i think it is funny.what is your favorite color and animal. We have 8 baby kittens at my house.have you heard Taylor swifts new song it is called "we are never getting back together".I think it is funny to:) talk soon
    Love Logan:)

  12. Well, I was kind of stuck in my clasroom today cleaning it up with Miss Betsy. We were talking about how we miss you and Mrs. A. I'm thinking we may have a Lindsey Lou and Mrs. A. wall to start our school year off. And, that cute little picture of you with those glasses would be perfect for the wall! I have a great one of Mrs. A. too. When I get the bulletin board up, I'll text a picture to your mom. Have you played the game Phase 10? That's a new math one I want to learn. You know how I love math! If it's a good one, I'll send it to you. I bet it's even an app! HA. I should check that out! We also like Farkle. More prayers to you and your family and I love what your daddy is praying for. Hugs from Eastern Oregon and our 3rd grade classroom! xoxo Mrs. Smith
